Woman's World

Key to dodging COVID complicati­ons

- — Melissa Gotthardt

You’ve likely heard that keeping your gums healthy is an easy way to protect your heart and cut your odds of heart attack or stroke by 67%. Now there’s more! New research out of Canada’s Mcgill University reveals that folks with healthy gums had an 88% lower risk of severe COVID complicati­ons. Just…

Savor a sweet-tart sip

Though probably best known for its role in warding off pesky UTIS, cranberry juice offers a surprising benefit: It keeps your gums healthy too. A new University of Illinois study revealed that regularly sipping cranberry juice (yes, even the sweetened variety works!) reduces the oral bacteria that cause decay and gum disease by as much as 90%. Researcher­s credit the fruit’s polyphenol­s, which act as antibacter­ial compounds.

‘ Sweep’ your tongue

Your tongue’s rough texture makes it easy for the bacteria that cause gum disease to sneak into nooks and crannies. Luckily, research in The Journal of Contempora­ry Dental Practice found sweeping a tongue scraper over its surface twice daily after brushing reduces bacteria levels by up to 98%. Try: Dr. Tung’s Tongue Cleaner (Walmart.com)

Try a lemony swish

An Indian study found using an antibacter­ial lemongrass mouth rinse twice daily (post-brushing) for two weeks proved 83% more effective at improving gum health than a prescripti­on rinse. To do: Add 1 drop of lemongrass essential oil to 4 oz. of water. Swish for 1 minute; spit.

Kick up your heels

Whether you’re dancing along with the stars on TV in your living room or visiting a farmers market, getting 30 minutes of exercise five times a week lowers gum disease risk by up to 74%. So say Case Western Reserve scientists, who found that moderate physical activity combats the inflammati­on that makes gums vulnerable.

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