Woman's World

“Aloe healed my gum disease!”

- — Mark Langberg, D.D.S. — Katie Smith

After a lifetime of mouth pain, Val Mcleod remembered her father’s home remedy for healing all kinds of hurts…and it turned out to be the natural miracle cure she was desperate for!

Val Mcleod was at her wit’s end. The 64-year-old has had intermitte­nt gum issues since she was a child. Despite being diligent about brushing and f lossing, she struggled with periodonta­l disease, bleeding gums and lots of pain. But last year, the condition of her gums deteriorat­ed and her pain became unbearable.

Desperate for relief, Val tried every topical gum pain product she could f ind. But they all had a horrible taste and left her whole mouth numb. Val hadn’t wanted to take prescripti­on medication, but agreed to take some whenever her gum pain was agonizing, which was way too often. So, though it helped, she longed to f ind something else, something natural.

As she prepared to start a search, Val suddenly remembered how her father had planted an aloe tree in the backyard of her Miami childhood home. He would make her aloe tea whenever she didn’t feel well and would even apply some to her scratches and scrapes, something she continued to do into adulthood, always keeping aloe vera gel on hand. Maybe it will help my gums, she hoped.

Soothing relief

It wasn’t long before Val experience­d another f lareup, and this time, she applied some aloe vera gel to her gums. Wow! she marveled. She felt instant relief.

I guess Dad knew what he was talking about, Val thought as she whispered a heartfelt thank-you.

Her father was absolutely right about the healing effects of aloe. In fact, the National Library of Medicine reports that aloe vera, with its powerful antibacter­ial and anti-inf lammatory properties, is “nature’s soothing healer,” noting it can be especially helpful with periodonta­l disease and bleeding gums. Aloe vera penetrates and dilates the capillarie­s going to an injured site, which improves healing.

Val was thrilled to have f inally found natural, effective relief. And the next day, when she spotted some aloe-infused mouth rinse made by The Natural Dentist, she got to thinking that maybe if she used the rinse daily it would help keep her gums healthy and stave off painful episodes.

She bought some, and it worked. Val now uses the rinse t wice a day—f irst thing in the morning and again at bedtime. She occasional­ly dips a Q-tip into her organic aloe vera gel and applies it that way too. Val says she can’t believe how good her gums feel, and there’s also an added bonus: a more vibrant smile!

“My pain is gone. My teeth are whiter and brighter, and I feel wonderful!” she beams. “All this from a plant you can grow in your own yard!”

“Aloe vera accelerate­d the healing process in patients with moderate periodonti­tis.”

 ?? ?? “I can’t believe how good my gums feel. Aloe is like a miracle plant,” says Val
“I can’t believe how good my gums feel. Aloe is like a miracle plant,” says Val

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