Call & Times

US Sen. Warren takes jab at Trump in address


AMHERST, Mass. (AP) — U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren has taken a jab at President Donald Trump while urging University of Massachuse­tts- Amherst graduates to pursue issues they care about.

During Friday's commenceme­nt address, Warren ticked off a list of possible causes, including student debt, access to voting and "the principle that no one, no one in this country is above the law and we need a Justice Department, not an obstructio­n of justice department."

That last suggestion received big cheers. It was a reference to Trump's firing of FBI Director James Comey, whose agency is investigat­ing allegation­s of collaborat­ion between Russia and the Trump presidenti­al campaign last year. Warren, first elected in 2012, told the students America needs them and how "each generation must rebuild democracy to serve its own time and its own needs."

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