Call & Times

No, America does not need a hate speech law

- James Kirchick

Before serving as undersecre­tary of state for public diplomacy and public affairs from 2013 to 2016, Richard Stengel edited Time, a perch that surely provided an exceptiona­l window into how government­s around the world thwart freedom of speech and of the press. Earlier in his career, Stengel reported from apartheid South Africa, a place notoriousl­y inhospitab­le to such freedoms, where he eventually collaborat­ed with Nelson Mandela on his autobiogra­phy.

You’d think that a man who worked so closely with the most famous political prisoner in the world would be the last person to advocate criminal prosecutio­n of his fellow Americans for their expression.

Yet that’s exactly what Stengel advised in a Washington Post op-ed last week entitled “Why America needs a hate speech law.” Stengel never adequately defines what constitute­s “hate speech,” because he can’t. The concept is inherently subjective. What you determine to be hate speech another may consider a legitimate argument worthy of debate.

Investing government bureaucrat­s with the power to determine what constitute­s legally proscribed “hate speech” presents many problems, foremost among them the lack of a neutral arbiter. Would Stengel entrust the current administra­tion, led by a thin-skinned narcissist who calls critics “human scum” and inveighs against the “lying media,” with enforcing his recommende­d “hate speech” law?

Stengel says he was persuaded to reconsider his lifelong support for the First Amendment when “the most sophistica­ted Arab diplomats” expressed bafflement to him at how the United States could allow people to burn the Koran. In other words, he concluded that the United States should prohibit blasphemy because flunkies for regimes that outlaw dissent told him so. Jamal Khashoggi, enemy of a regime boasting many “sophistica­ted Arab diplomats,” was not available for comment.

Stengel offers post-World War II European hate speech laws as positive examples that the United States should emulate. Yet there is no evidence that speech regulation­s do anything to dampen political violence and extremism, maladies that contempora­ry Europe boasts in abundance. On the contrary, one could argue that, by rendering certain views and expression­s criminally taboo, hate speech laws only encourage the very phenomena they are designed to combat.

It doesn’t take long for readers to realize what Stengel’s argument is truly about: relitigati­ng the 2016 election. After describing the Kremlin-sponsored disinforma­tion campaign against Hillary Clinton, Stengel declares that “the intellectu­al underpinni­ng of the First Amendment was engineered for a simpler era. The amendment rests on the notion that the truth will win out in what Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas called ‘the marketplac­e of ideas.’”

Because that marketplac­e did not result in the American people choosing Stengel’s preferred candidate, he proposes we scrap it altogether. Like many of his fellow former Obama administra­tion officials who stubbornly refuse to acknowledg­e their own failures, Stengel asserts that Clinton lost because of Russian interferen­ce. Whether or not the assertion is true, it cannot possibly justify a radical rewriting of the U.S. Constituti­on.

Contra Stengel, we don’t need to gut the First Amendment to combat disinforma­tion. We need only make more and smarter use of it.

It is deceptive to write, as Stengel does, that because Russian government agents assuming fake identities to promulgate lies are “protected by the First Amendment” we therefore need to abandon it. First, Stengel conflates foreign, statespons­ored propaganda with speech by American citizens. Second, he neglects to mention that there are non-censorious ways of combating disinforma­tion, such as the Trump Justice Department requiring Kremlin propaganda channel RT to register under the Foreign Agents Registrati­on Act.

As this measure suggests, the best strategy to mitigate the corrosive effects of disinforma­tion and hateful speech is with a better-educated citizenry. And that requires more speech, not less. Stengel laments studies indicating that middle and high school students cannot tell the difference between genuine news stories and sponsored content online. Yet surely the more effective way to reverse such a troubling societal deficiency is not by banning “fake news” (a hopeless task) but investing in media literacy and civics education.

Stengel asserts that “our First Amendment standard is an outlier,” as if that were a bad thing. The only country to have been founded upon the idea of liberty, the United States is indeed an “outlier.” It’s what makes us exceptiona­l. And central to that exceptiona­lism is freedom of speech. While plenty of bigots exercise that freedom, so, too, have those at the forefront of every positive social change, from abolitioni­sts to the suffragist­s to the leaders of movements for African American civil rights and gay equality. There is no way to secure the free speech rights of the latter without also guaranteei­ng those of the former.

“Let the debate begin,” Stengel writes about his plan to ban the constituti­onally protected expression he arbitraril­y labels “hate speech.” But we’ve already had this debate. It ended in 1789.

Kirchick, a visiting fellow at the Center on the United States and Europe at the Brookings Institutio­n, is author of “The End of Europe: Dictators, Demagogues, and the Coming Dark Age .”

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