World Journal (New York) - World Journal (New York) - Weekly Supplement



- 郭宣含

●Do you entertain your kids with chess camp, art school, cooking classes, or tennis lessons during the unstructur­ed summer months? Or perhaps all of them?暑假沒規畫,你會送孩子去西洋棋營­隊、才藝班、烹飪課或學網球玩樂一­番嗎?或可能每項都參加?

●There are activities and summer camps galore to fill children’s time and supply much needed childcare when kids are out of school. But psychologi­sts and child developmen­t experts suggest that over-scheduling children during the summer is unnecessar­y and could ultimately keep kids from from discoverin­g what truly interests them.有很多精采活動與夏令­營填滿孩子的時間,並提供許多校外孩童照­護服務。不過心理學者與孩童發­展專家建議,沒必要為孩子的暑假過­度安排活動,最終可能阻礙孩子探索­他們真正的興趣。

●“Your role as a parent is to prepare children to take their place in society. Being an adult means occupying yourself and filling up your leisure time in a way that will make you happy,” says Lyn Fry, a child psychologi­st in London with a focus on education. “If parents spend all their time filling up their child’s spare time, then the child’s never going to learn to do this for themselves.”倫敦兒童教育心理學家­琳恩.佛萊(Lyn Fry)表示:「家長的角色是讓孩子準­備好邁入社會。變成大人代表自己找事­做並填滿你的休閒時間,而且從中感到快樂。如果家長用盡時間填滿­小孩的閒暇時間,那麼孩子永遠沒辦法自­己學會這些事。」

●Fry is not the only one to point out the benefits of boredom. Dr. Teresa Belton, visiting fellow at the University of East Anglia with a focus on the connection between boredom and imaginatio­n, told the BBC that boredom is crucial for developing “internal stimulus,” which then allows true creativity.佛萊並非唯一指出無聊­好處的人。英國東英吉利大學客座­教授泰瑞莎.貝爾頓(Teresa Belton)博士專研無聊與想像力­的關係,她告訴英國廣播公司(BBC),無聊對發展「內在刺激」至關重要,這有助形成真正的創意。

●Fry suggests that at the the start of the summer, parents sit down with their kids—at least those above the age of four—and collective­ly write down a list of everything their children might enjoy doing during their break. These can be basic activities, such as playing cards, reading a book, or going for a bicycle ride. They could also be more elaborate ideas such as cooking a fancy dinner, putting on a play, or practicing photograph­y.佛萊建議,家長在夏季一開始就該­和至少四歲以上的孩子­坐下來談話,一起寫下小孩暑假可能­想做的所有事項清單。這可以是基本活動,例如玩牌、讀一本書或騎腳踏車;也可以是更複雜的內容,像是煮一頓豐盛晚餐、參演話劇或練習攝影。

●Then, if your child comes to you throughout the summer complainin­g of boredom, tell them to go and look at the list.接著,如果你的孩子在暑假時­跟你抱怨很無聊,就叫孩子看看那份清單。

 ??  ?? 參加游泳夏令營很有趣,但讓孩子感到無聊對發­展「內在刺激」也至關重要。 (美聯社)
參加游泳夏令營很有趣,但讓孩子感到無聊對發­展「內在刺激」也至關重要。 (美聯社)

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