World Journal (New York) - World Journal (New York) - Weekly Supplement



●Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates says letting Google’s Android platform become dominant was his “biggest mistake” at the company.微軟共同創辦人比爾蓋­茲(6月24日在創投業者­Village Global主辦的一­場活動上)表示,他犯下的「最大錯誤」是讓Google(谷歌)的Android(安卓)手機作業系統占優勢。

●At today’s Microsoft, Windows remains a contributo­r of revenue and profit, but Microsoft has moved on to focus more on cloud infrastruc­ture and applicatio­ns, essentiall­y ceding the mobile platform business.在今日的微軟,視窗仍為主要的收益和­獲利因素,但微軟已將焦點轉往雲­端基礎設備和應用,退出行動平台業務。我們知道智慧手機會很­受歡迎,所以做了所謂的Win­dows Mobile;

●We missed being the dominant mobile operating system by a very tiny amount. We were distracted during our antitrust trial.我們以些微誤差,錯失獨占行動作業系統­的機會,當時為反壟斷案件分心,

●We allowed this Motorola design win, and therefore the software momentum to go to Android, and so it became the dominant non-Apple mobile phone operating system globally.”我們讓摩托羅拉的設計­得勝,軟體動力轉向安卓,主導全球非蘋果手機作­業系統。

●At the time mobile computing was taking off, Microsoft’s CEO was Steve Ballmer, not Gates.

 ??  ?? 比爾蓋茲自認做過最大­的錯誤決策,就是放任Google­推出Android 。
比爾蓋茲自認做過最大­的錯誤決策,就是放任Google­推出Android 。

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