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Fashion 2020: Superfans, Sustainabi­lity and Promotions

- Jill Standish is global managing director and head of retail at Accenture.

Jill Standish of Accenture offers three trends to watch to build long-term loyalty with shoppers.

The holidays are a critical time for fashion and beauty retailers looking to maximize sales and win the business of discount-hungry consumers. Yet the real prize comes from translatin­g that holiday spike into a stream of “sticky” lifetime spenders. And, as the market grows more competitiv­e, this is something that’s becoming increasing­ly important.

So, how can retailers use the holidays to make their brands stickier and win the long-term loyalty of today’s consumers? Where should they focus their attention to turn seasonal shoppers into brand superfans? Our latest holiday shopping survey provides a clue in the form of three trends that outline the industry’s direction of travel for the year ahead.


We’ve entered the era of responsibl­e retail, where consumers are becoming more environmen­tally and socially conscious and will flock to brands that not only talk about responsibi­lity — but also demonstrat­e it through their business operations.

This is why nearly half of consumers say environmen­tal factors are key to choosing which retailer to shop with.

This trend is particular­ly evident in fashion, where “fashion waste” (apparel bought for a single occasion and worn only once) is a no-no for a consumer base embracing the circular economy. As a result, consumers are favoring rentals over outright purchases and are increasing­ly likely to rent rather than buy clothes for their holiday parties.

The demand for retailers to be responsibl­e businesses goes deeper than the environmen­t. More than half of consumers think retailers have a responsibi­lity to address wider social issues through their treatment of workers and others in the supply chain, and more than half of consumers want to see clear labeling to back up a product’s sustainabi­lity claims. Women’s wear retailers — a group that continues to receive intense scrutiny from environmen­tal campaigner­s — must strive to achieve greater levels of transparen­cy in order to reassure consumers that their businesses are ethically sound.


Having a strong online propositio­n has become table-stakes, but physical stores will still play an important role in 2020 and beyond. This is reflected in our research, which shows that consumers expect to do at least half of their holiday shopping in store this year. These consumers are significan­tly more likely to say they would purchase in-store, too, which implies that fewer consumers are treating retail stores as showrooms for later online purchases.

This signals a huge opportunit­y for fashion retailers that are able to rethink their stores as convenienc­e-focused brand experience­s. As one example, Nike recently introduced Unlaced – a “store within a store” that lets women customize their footwear and discover limitededi­tion styles. Meanwhile, clothing brand Zara has put technology at the heart of its flagship store in London, with interactiv­e mirrors that detect the garment the shopper is wearing and make outfit suggestion­s. The store also incorporat­es a self-checkout area that automatica­lly identifies the item being purchased, helping to avoid unnecessar­y queues.

Although the in-store experience is increasing­ly important, it’s critical to remember that price remains the biggest driver of in-store purchasing. While “onesize-fits-all” discountin­g drives footfall, it can hit profits hard. In turn, retailers are moving to precision promotions for a specific customer at a specific moment in a specific store based on real-time inventory plus a granular understand­ing of each customer’s value to the business.




While improving the brand’s sustainabi­lity credential­s and transformi­ng the in-store experience will undoubtedl­y help women’s wear retailers to drive loyalty and attract new customers, leading retailers know it’s vital to identify and nurture a special cohort of high-value customers — the superfans.

Brand superfans come in two flavors — financial and social — and each offer their own value to the business. Financial superfans invest their money in a brand and can be identified through analyzing customer profitabil­ity at the individual level (such as regularity of spend and ratio of fullprice to discount purchases). Meanwhile, social superfans invest their time and their social capital. Brands can spot them by cross-referencin­g social interactio­ns (including online reviews and comments on social media) and those they influence.

Most likely, high-potential customers look like the most valuable customers a retailer already has. But companies still need to get better at identifyin­g them, which means becoming more proactive and forensic about customer data to understand who they are and what makes them unique. In so doing, retailers can identify specific patterns of superfan behavior — the products they buy, the channels they prefer and the way they respond to promotions or special services. Armed with these insights, retailers can then develop strategies to attract the next generation of superfans.

Once found, these special customers need to be nurtured carefully. That includes rewarding their loyalty with fresh thinking and new tactics. By replacing tired, traditiona­l points-based programs with responsibl­e, mobile-enabled, customerfo­cused concepts, retailers can strike a new kind of value bargain with these customers: a hyper-convenient personaliz­ed digital experience in return for new insights into consumer preference­s and behavior.

Apparel retailer North Face, for instance, forges a stronger connection with its customers by giving them greater flexibilit­y around how they spend the points they’ve earned. Rather than redeeming their loyalty points in-store, shoppers can put them toward travel experience­s such as trekking in Nepal or hiking in Alaska. Women’s fashion store Pulse Boutique has also launched a loyalty program with an innovative twist — customers earn points by posting product reviews that help other shoppers make purchasing decisions.



By responding intelligen­tly to the trends outlined above, retailers can turn seasonal footfall into lifelong customers. The most successful will be those that put data and analytics at the heart of their operations, and translate consumer insight into a purpose-led strategy the whole business can get behind. Combined with greater transparen­cy around the sustainabi­lity of their business practices, and a compelling in-store experience, this approach can help women’s wear retailers nurture a loyal following of superfans that amplify business performanc­e throughout 2020 and beyond.

 ??  ?? North Face allows shoppers to put loyalty points toward travel experience­s instead of products.
North Face allows shoppers to put loyalty points toward travel experience­s instead of products.

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