Yachts International

Head of the Class

Crewed Charter 2015

- Kenny Wooton Editor-In-Chief

ISA’s 143-foot composite motoryacht

Silver Wind

brings a host of innovative technical solutions to the party.

Have you seen the show? What do you think of it? Email us at You might see your comments in our next issue or at yachtsinte­

YWrite to us at: Yachts Internatio­nal, The Quay, 1535 SE 17th Street, B201,

Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316. Or e- mail us at: yachtsmail@ aimmedia. com our March “From the Masthead” sure got the saltwater flowing in my veins. As a young boy in England, I was always around boats. Any piece of water that could hold a 12-foot racing dinghy was good enough for me, regardless of its flavor. But it wasn’t until my late teens, racing on a small offshore sailboat in the middle of a cold, foggy English Channel that I had my saltwater epiphany. I’ll never know where it came from or why it chose that moment, but it struck with an impact that I remember clearly to this day. It felt like a release of some kind—that I had finally come home and was where I belonged. It has never left me. I’ve thought about it over the years and have searched back through my ancestry in the hope of finding a long line of ancient mariners. Alas, we all seem to have been farmers, although there was rumor of a sea captain great-grandfathe­r who traded between Europe and the Caribbean, so far unsubstant­iated. I think DNA is closer to the mark. Let’s face it—we are all descended from fish. Really enjoyed your “From the Masthead” column in the March issue. I imagine there are a lot of folks out there who have always had it in their blood, but haven’t yet found their way to the sea. Here’s to outstandin­g magazines like yours that continue to educate, inspire and tell the stories worth telling to deliver that “dash of salt” to those who need it.

david pollard Jill Bobrow Dudley Da wson Justin Ratcliffe (Europe) mary south Capt. Richard Thiel andrew pa rkinson


louisa beckett, alan harper, kim kavin, ca therine kent, virginia philip

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