Yuma Sun

Trump’s court pick reaches out, but Dems still wary


WASHINGTON — In daily visits to Senate offices, Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch has tried to make clear to Democrats that he’s an independen­t thinker.

Gorsuch told senators that he found President Donald Trump’s attacks on the judiciary “dishearten­ing” and “demoralizi­ng” after Trump had lashed out at a federal judge who issued a stay on his refugee and immigratio­n ban. On Tuesday, Gorsuch told Democratic Sen. Dick Durbin that he hopes to be “half the nominee” as Merrick Garland, the judge nominated by President Barack Obama last year, only to be blocked by Senate Republican­s.

Durbin, D-Ill., also said Gorsuch indicated support for criminal justice reform — a Durbin priority — and disavowed a 2005 National Review article he’d written criticizin­g Democrats and liberals.

“He said it was probably one of the biggest mistakes he ever made,” Durbin recalled Thursday. “It’s a terrible article. He wishes it would just disappear.”

Though Democrats who have met with him have almost uniformly said that the perfectly pedigreed federal appeals court judge is impressive, Gorsuch’s overtures may not be enough to win him an easy confirmati­on. Liberals are pressuring Democrats to strongly oppose Trump’s pick. Several Democratic senators say they are uncomforta­ble with some of Gorsuch’s judicial decisions.

A year after Justice Antonin Scalia’s death created the vacancy, Democrats are still furious that Republican­s refused to consider Garland. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said voters should have a say in the choice via the presidenti­al election.

Republican­s would like to see Gorsuch take the ninth spot on the court by the time they leave for a two-week recess April 10 and in time for the court’s arguments that start a week later.

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, said Thursday that the committee will hold at least three days of hearings starting March 20. That would give the Senate two weeks for committee approval and confirmati­on votes on the floor.

Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer said earlier this month that he has “serious, serious concerns” about Gorsuch, and Republican­s will likely need the support of 60 of the Senate’s 100 members to move to a confirmati­on vote on Gorsuch. Republican­s have a 52-48 majority, so at least eight Democrats will need to vote with Republican­s.

Much of the focus has been on 10 Democrats up for re-election next year in states that Trump won in the 2016 presidenti­al election. While at least two — Ohio Sen. Sherrod Brown and Wisconsin Sen. Tammy Baldwin — have said they will oppose Gorsuch, many of the others have said little as conservati­ve groups are already spending money to pressure them.

Montana Sen. Jon Tester spoke to reporters for less than a minute after his meeting with Gorsuch earlier this month, saying he is “open” to voting for the judge. Missouri Sen. Claire McCaskill won’t comment at all on the nomination after she was criticized online for a tweet saying Gorsuch should get a hearing and a vote.

North Dakota Sen. Heidi Heitkamp issued a statement saying she discussed several local issues with the judge and “it is our job as U.S. senators to perform this function and not play politics.”

Other Democrats have been more open with concerns. Connecticu­t Sen. Chris Murphy says he’s wary of Gorsuch’s sharp criticism of the Chevron doctrine, which holds that judges should defer to federal department­s and agencies to fill in the blanks of certain laws, including on immigratio­n and the environmen­t.

The framers, Gorsuch wrote last year, intended for lawmakers to make the laws, executives to execute them and judges to decipher their meaning.

Democrats will likely seek to tie Gorsuch to chaos in Trump’s White House and controvers­y over his immigrant ban, noting that some of his executive actions could end up before the court. When the judge was nominated, Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine said the actions of the Trump administra­tion “raise the stakes to an even higher level.”

 ?? ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? SUPREME COURT JUSTICE nominee Neil Gorsuch (left) meets with Sen. Chris Coons, D-Del. on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, Feb. 14.
ASSOCIATED PRESS SUPREME COURT JUSTICE nominee Neil Gorsuch (left) meets with Sen. Chris Coons, D-Del. on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, Feb. 14.

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