Yuma Sun

AWC governing board will discuss preliminar­y budget


The Arizona Western College district governing board will consider its preliminar­y budget for the upcoming fiscal year at its regular meeting today.

The board meets at 3 p.m. in the Frances Morris board room in AWC’s Schoening Conference Center. The meeting will be open to the public.

Board members met April 10 for a work session to hash out this year’s preliminar­y budget. The new fiscal year starts July 1, and Arizona law requires budgets to be in place before that date. Minutes from the work session are among those to be approved at today’s meeting.

Board members will also hear reports from various cabinet members, including an update on the symposium April 28 that asks for the public’s input on the college’s strategic plan; as well as student services, learning services, and finance and administra­tive services.

Board member Maria Chavoya will update the board on the most recent meeting of the Arizona Associatio­n of District Governing Boards; faculty senate representa­tive Renee Macaluso will give the Faculty Report; and Junior Castro will give highlights from the Classified Employee Associatio­n.

Also, Student Government President Lizet Camarena will report on student activities and government happenings. Vice President for Learning Services Dr. Linda Elliott Nelson will announce the Student of the Month.

The board is expected to approve candidates for contractua­l positions and hear a review of vacancies from Human Resources lead Kari Gardner; consider for approval the purchase of Wi-Fi and network security equipment; and monthly voucher report.

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