Yuma Sun

Star Signs


(March 21-April 19): Creative energy is at a high point. The practical applicatio­n of your imaginativ­e ideas, however, could escape your notice in the early part of the week. Focus on fulfilling your dreams.

(April 20-May 20): Tie your timing to the tides of progress. Remember that any low tide is always followed by a high tide. Hold off making key financial decisions in the first few days of the week.

(May 21-June 20): Let your business schemes simmer for a few days before putting them into action. The week might begin with a certain amount of confusion but you will quickly get a clear picture.

(June 21-July 22): Do less talking and more listening in the week ahead. Pay attention to trusted friends and advisors as you are likely to hear the truth. It is a good week for gathering knowledge and wisdom.

(July 23-Aug. 22): Don’t pretend to be a wallflower if you meet some new friends. The more enthusiasm you show the more enjoyment you will experience this week. Problems at home may tax your ingenuity.

(Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Details may be in the dark until the light dawns later in the week. Someone’s remarks could negatively influence your business sense. Wait a few days before making crucial decisions or taking action.

(Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Take another whack at the piñata despite a blindfold. You may be willing to take risks without the benefit of clear vision in the week ahead. There is something good waiting if you can find it.

(Oct. 23-Nov. 21): You can be fierce about fulfilling your fantasies as this week unfolds. Hold off on making major business and financial decision until mid-week when better opportunit­ies may arise.

(Nov. 22-Dec. 21): You can be matchless or merely mediocre. If something “works” there may still be room for improvemen­t. Make sure all facets of a project are optimized in the week ahead.

(Dec. 22-Jan. 19): You may be inspired by powerful ideas in the week ahead. Bow to traditions and honor convention­s in order to achieve your dreams. Don’t step out of line during the next few days.

(Jan. 20-Feb. 18): You may struggle to get to the bottom of a confusing financial problem. Once you discover the truth it will be easy to overcome. Get plenty of sleep in the week ahead to offset nervous energy.

(Feb. 19-March 20): Disarray and unsightly appearance­s could undo the aura of harmony that you hope to achieve this week. Keep your affairs organized; make an extra effort to make a good impression.

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