Yuma Sun

Nation & World Glance


Princes William, Harry remember last call with Diana

LONDON — It was a typical phone call between two boys playing and their mother, who was on vacation in France. It was brief — the boys wanted to get back to playing with their cousins, not spend time on the phone chatting.

The brevity of that 1997 call troubles Prince William and Prince Harry to this day — for their mother, Princess Diana, would die in a car crash that night.

“Harry and I were in a desperate rush to say goodbye, you know ‘see you later’... If I’d known now obviously what was going to happen I wouldn’t have been so blase about it and everything else,” William says in a new documentar­y. “But that phone call sticks in my mind, quite heavily.”

Harry tells the filmmakers the final chat is something he will regret until the end of his days.

“Looking back on it now, it’s incredibly hard. I’ll have to sort of deal with that for the rest of my life,” Harry said. “Not knowing that was the last time I was going to speak to my mum. How differentl­y that conversati­on would have panned out if I’d had even the slightest inkling her life was going to be taken that night.”

Aftershock­s test nerves on Greek island after quake

KOS, Greece — Crews of experts began examining the damage to cultural monuments and infrastruc­ture on the eastern Greek island of Kos on Saturday, a day after a powerful earthquake killed two tourists and injured nearly 500 others in the Aegean Sea region that stretches to Turkey’s sprawling coast.

Residents and tourists were still jittery as a series of aftershock­s Saturday night continued to rock the island. A tremor measuring a preliminar­y 4.4 magnitude struck at 8:09 p.m. (1709 GMT) Saturday, sending residents and restaurant customers scurrying toward the middle of the town’s main square, as far away as possible from buildings.

Sixteen minutes later, a second 4.6-magnitude tremor struck, the Athens Geodynamic­s Institute reported. The first tremor had its epicenter only 20 kilometers (12.5 miles) northeast of Kos at a depth of 10 kilometers (6.2 miles).

Hundreds of residents and tourists spent Friday night sleeping outdoors on the island, too afraid to return to their homes or hotels after the quake that struck early Friday. Many camped out in parks and olive groves, or slept in their cars or on beach and swimming pool lounge chairs.

The aftershock­s Saturday night meant that many would spend a second night outdoors.

Robot finds likely melted fuel heap in Fukushima reactor

TOKYO — Images captured by an underwater robot showed massive deposits believed to be melted nuclear fuel covering the floor of a damaged reactor at Japan’s crippled Fukushima nuclear plant.

The robot found large amounts of solidified lavalike rocks and lumps in layers as thick as 1 meter (3 feet) on the bottom inside of a main structure called the pedestal that sits underneath the core inside the primary containmen­t vessel of Fukushima’s Unit 3 reactor, said the plant’s operator, Tokyo Electric Power Co.

On Friday, the robot spotted suspected debris of melted fuel for the first time since the 2011 earthquake and tsunami caused multiple meltdowns and destroyed the plant. The three-day probe of Unit 3 ended Saturday.

Locating and analyzing the fuel debris and damage in each of the plant’s three wrecked reactors is crucial for decommissi­oning the plant. The search for melted fuel in the two other reactors has so far been unsuccessf­ul because of damage and radiation levels.

Actor John Heard, of ‘Home Alone’ movies, dies at 71

NEW YORK — Actor John Heard, whose many roles included the father in the “Home Alone” series and a corrupt detective in “The Sopranos,” has died. He was 71.

Heard was found dead Friday in a hotel in Palo Alto, Calif., the Santa Clara County Medical Examiner’s office said Saturday.

An investigat­ion which includes a toxicology test is underway to determine the cause of death, but so far there is no evidence of foul play, the office said.

TMZ reported that a representa­tive for Heard said he was staying in the hotel while he recovered from back surgery.

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