Yuma Sun

Trump lashes out at San Juan mayor over aid


BRANCHBURG, N.J. — President Donald Trump on Saturday lashed out at the mayor of San Juan and other officials in stormravag­ed Puerto Rico, contemptuo­us of their claims of a laggard U.S. response to the natural disaster that has imperiled the island’s future.

“Such poor leadership ability by the Mayor of San Juan, and others in Puerto Rico, who are not able to get their workers to help,” Trump said in a series of tweets a day after the capital city’s mayor appealed for help “to save us from dying.”

“They want everything to be done for them when it should be a community effort,” Trump wrote from his New Jersey golf club.

The tweets were a biting attack on the leader of a community in crisis. After 10 days of desperatio­n, with many still unable to access essentials including food and water, San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz accused the Trump administra­tion Friday of “killing us with the inefficien­cy” after Hurricane Maria. She implored the president, who is set to visit the U.S. territory on Tuesday, to “make sure somebody is in charge that is up to the task of saving lives.”

“I am begging, begging anyone that can hear us, to save us from dying,” Cruz said at a news conference, her voice breaking with rage.

It was an unusually pointed rebuke from the president in the heat of a disaster — a time when leaders often put aside partisan difference­s in the name of solidarity. But it was a reminder of Trump’s unrelentin­g penchant for punching back against critics, whatever the circumstan­ces.

Trump has said he’s doing everything possible to help the “great people of PR!” and has pledged to spare no effort to help the island recover from Maria’s ruinous aftermath. He has also repeatedly applauded his government’s recovery efforts, saying military personnel and first responders have done “an amazing job,” despite the significan­t logistical challenges.

Thousands more Puerto Ricans have received water and rationed food as an aid bottleneck has begun to ease. But many, especially outside the capital, remain desperate for necessitie­s, including water, power and fuel.

Trump’s administra­tion has tried in recent days to combat the perception that he failed to quickly grasp the magnitude of Maria’s destructio­n and has given the U.S. commonweal­th less attention than he’d bestowed on states like Texas, Louisiana and Florida after they were hit by hurricanes Harvey and Irma. Trump had repeatedly praised the residents of those states as strong and resilient, saying at one point that Texas could “handle anything.”

Administra­tion officials have held numerous press conference­s providing updates on relief efforts and Trump on Saturday spoke by phone from New Jersey with FEMA Administra­tor Brock Long, Puerto Rico’s governor, Ricardo Rosselló, and other several other local officials.

But after a week of growing criticism, the president’s patience appears to be waning.

 ?? ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? IN THIS SEPT. 29 PHOTO, President Donald Trump talks to the media as he walks across the South Lawn of the White House. Trump is lashing out at the mayor of Puerto Rico’s capital city over recovery efforts after Hurricane Maria smashed into the U.S. territory.
ASSOCIATED PRESS IN THIS SEPT. 29 PHOTO, President Donald Trump talks to the media as he walks across the South Lawn of the White House. Trump is lashing out at the mayor of Puerto Rico’s capital city over recovery efforts after Hurricane Maria smashed into the U.S. territory.

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