Yuma Sun

House GOP revises tax bill, makes it less generous


WASHINGTON — House Republican­s on Friday quietly made changes to their far-reaching tax overhaul: Now its tax cuts would be less generous for many Americans. A day after the GOP unveiled its plan promising middle-class relief, the House’s top tax-writer, Rep. Kevin Brady, released a revised version of the bill that would impose a new, lowerinfla­tion “chained CPI” adjustment for tax brackets immediatel­y instead of in 2023. That means more income would be taxed at higher rates over time — and less generous tax cuts for individual­s and families. The change, posted on the website of the Ways and Means Committee, reduces the value of the tax cuts for ordinary Americans by $89 billion over 10 years compared with the legislatio­n released with fanfare Thursday. As wages rise, middleclas­s taxpayers would have more of their income taxed at the 25 percent rate instead of at 12 percent, for instance. “The bill’s like a dead fish: The more it hangs out in the sunlight, the stinkier it gets,” Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer pronounced after word of Brady’s change. “The more people learn about this bill, the less they’re going to like it.” The change to the plan frees up money for Brady, R-Texas, the committee’s chairman, to use to address concerns by lawmakers when changing the bill further next week. The Ways and Means panel begins work on Monday, a final billwritin­g process expected to take four days. Brady on Friday called it “a challenge of a lifetime legislativ­ely.” President Donald Trump and the Republican­s are driving to push through a major tax-cutting bill this year to secure a legislativ­e accomplish­ment, following their stinging failure to overturn and replace the Obama health care law. The Republican­s, facing increasing pressure to produce a marquee legislativ­e victory before next year’s elections, are promoting their tax plan as a spark for economic growth and a boon to the stressed middle class. Brady, in a statement releasing the revised bill, stressed “pro-growth tax reform that will deliver more jobs, fairer taxes, and bigger paychecks for people across our country.” While Trump and House Republican leaders stand united behind the plan, rank-and-file GOP lawmakers are divided and complainin­g about its potential blow to homeowners and the loss of a prized deduction that especially hits high-tax states. And Trump is pressuring Republican­s to repeal a health-care law penalty in the tax rewrite, a step that Brady indicated is politicall­y problemati­c. Some of the GOP lawmakers agree. Brady said Friday the president had spoken to him twice by phone and once in person, imploring him to scrap the so-called individual mandate that requires Americans to obtain health insurance or face a penalty. “The president feels quite strongly about including this at some step,” Brady said in an interview with Politico. The Congressio­nal Budget Office has estimated that repealing the individual mandate would save $416 billion over a decade. That’s because without it, fewer people would enroll in Medicaid or buy federally subsidized coverage on insurance exchanges. The money represents a tempting revenue source for GOP tax writers whose plan for extensive tax cuts would add an estimated $1.5 trillion to the nation’s debt over 10 years. An influentia­l conservati­ve lawmaker, Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., said Friday that repealing the health care mandate needs to be part of the tax bill. He said he believes a majority of Republican­s in the House share that view. Trump even tweeted on Wednesday: “Wouldn’t it be great to Repeal the very unfair and unpopular Individual Mandate in ObamaCare and use those savings for further Tax Cuts for the Middle Class.”

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