Yuma Sun

Hydropower bill gets House OK

Some say plan is a giveaway to power companies


WASHINGTON — The Republican-controlled House has approved a bill aimed at expanding hydroelect­ric power, an action supporters said would boost a clean source of renewable energy but opponents denounced as a giveaway to large power companies.

The bill, sponsored by Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers of Washington state, would define hydropower as a renewable energy source and streamline the way projects are licensed, with primary authority granted to a single federal agency. Lawmakers approved the bill Wednesday, 257-166.

Power from rivers and streams makes up nearly 70 percent of electricit­y generated in Washington state and accounts for more than 50 percent of power in Oregon and Idaho and 36 percent in Montana. But hydropower only accounts for 7 percent of electricit­y nationwide.

McMorris Rodgers, the fourth-highest ranking Republican, said that figure could be doubled without constructi­ng a single dam. While it takes an average of 18 months to license a new natural gas plant, it can take up to 10 years or longer to license a new dam or relicense an existing dam, she and other Republican­s said.

Only 3 percent of the nation’s 80,000 dams now produce electricit­y. Electrifyi­ng some of the larger sites — primarily locks and dams on the Ohio, Mississipp­i, Alabama and Arkansas Rivers that are operated by the Army Corps of Engineers — would generate electricit­y for millions of homes and create thousands of jobs, an Energy Department report said.

The bill would make the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission the lead agency on hydropower licensing and require states, tribes and other federal agencies to defer to the commission.

The GOP bill would lower electricit­y costs and help the nation follow the Northwest in providing “reliable, clean and affordable energy for generation­s to come,” McMorris Rodgers said.

Opponents said the bill turns over public waterways to industry at the expense of fishermen, boaters and Native American tribes.

“This bill is an industry wish list and it’s facing major opposition by states, tribes, conservati­on and recreation groups,” said Amy Kober, a spokeswoma­n for American Rivers, an environmen­tal group. The legislatio­n weakens protection­s for clean water and wildlife and strips states and tribes of their authority to ensure crucial environmen­tal safeguards, Kober said.

“We’ve made progress when it comes to balancing hydro production and river health, but this bill would take us backward, giving big energy companies all the power at the expense of local communitie­s,” she said.

Rep. Bobby Rush, D-Ill., said a major cause for licensing delays was due to incomplete applicatio­ns submitted by power companies rather than bureaucrat­ic bungling, as Republican­s charge.

“We cannot allow hydropower facilities to claim a monopoly over our public waterways without mitigating the negative impacts of these facilities ... and without complying with modern environmen­tal laws,” Rush said.

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