Yuma Sun

To all our veterans, thank you

An estimated 18.5 million military veterans are alive today


In the United States today, there are an estimated 18.5 million military veterans. Let that number sink in for a moment. 18.5 million people living in our country today have served their nation.

The number is amazing, and one of which we should be proud.

The U.S. Census Bureau cites statistics from 2016, noting that of those 18.5 million, 65,562 served during the Vietnam Era and both periods of the Gulf War (August 1990 to August 2001 and September 2001 or later).

And, 25,703 served during World War II, the Korean War and the Vietnam Era.

If one looks at only two wartime periods, 1,150,328 served during both periods of the Gulf War, while 285,649 served during the Gulf War (August 1990 to August 2001) and the Vietnam Era. When one goes back a little further, the numbers decline, with 140,101 who served during the Korean War and the Vietnam Era, and 56,105 who served during World War II and the Korean War.

Yuma is home to veterans from every branch of the military, which isn’t surprising considerin­g we are home to two military installati­ons.

However, Arizona is not home to the largest number of veterans. That honor belongs to California, with 1.6 million, followed by Texas at 1.5 million, and Florida at 1.4 million. In Arizona, there are an estimated 485,094 veterans, according to Census data.

Veterans Day stems from Armistice Day, first observed on Nov. 11, 1919, as the first anniversar­y marking the end of World War I. The observance became a national holiday in 1938, and President Eisenhower changed the name to Veterans Day in 1954 to honor all who served in all American wars.

Our veterans and their families have sacrificed much in honor of our country — missed family celebratio­ns, time apart from loved ones, not to mention the challenges and horrors one can see while deployed, especially in times of war.

And yet, our veterans stand tall, having served our nation with pride.

Today, we honor our veterans, and thank them for their service.

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