Yuma Sun

We can’t solve what we can’t discuss

- BY TOM PURCELL GUEST COLUMNIST 2017 Tom Purcell. Tom Purcell, author of “Misadventu­res of a 1970’s Childhood” and “Wicked Is the Whiskey,” a Sean McClanahan mystery novel, both available at Amazon.com, is a Pittsburgh TribuneRev­iew humor columnist and is

‘I’m afraid to discuss politics and current events with anyone except my wife and best friends, and it’s regrettabl­e that millions of Americans feel the same way.”

“Ah, yes, you speak of the Cato 2017 Free Speech and Tolerance Survey, a new national poll of 2,300 U.S. adults. It finds that 58 percent of Americans are afraid to share their political beliefs in the current political climate.”

“You got that right. We used to have civil discussion­s about a variety of issues down at my neighborho­od’s pub, but now people jump down your throat if you don’t support the prevailing groupthink of the day.” “Do you have any examples?” “Sure. I happen to think that a tax system designed to unleash the economy is a good strategy to generate the government revenues we need to fund our programs. If I argue that point, I am labeled an uncaring conservati­ve who favors the rich and hates the poor.” “That is regrettabl­e.” “If I argue that the best way to extend affordable health care to all is to keep most of it in the private sector and employ free-market strategies that can reduce costs and free up much-needed funds, I am labeled ...”

“An uncaring conservati­ve who favors the rich and hates the poor?”

“That’s right. Now, with our latest terrorist attack in New York City, if I suggest we more carefully screen people we let into the country to ensure they do not wish our people ill - rather than just granting people access because they are among the 50,000 lucky ones who win a free pass in a lottery - then I am labeled ...”

“An uncaring conservati­ve who is a racist hater of the needy and the poor?”

“Exactly. And don’t even get me started on climate change. I’ve been afraid to bring that one up since President Obama signed the Paris climate accord — and especially since President Trump rescinded our participat­ion.”

“I can see your point. The Cato survey also finds that 71 percent of Americans believe that political correctnes­s has silenced important discussion­s on the many challenges our country is facing.”

“It’s like everyone in the major media outlets in our country tells the rest of us what to think on the major issues of the day, and if you stray from the groupthink line, look out! You will be shouted down.”

“It is regrettabl­e that no small number of our major journalist­s, whose role is protected by our Constituti­on, embrace a pack mentality as they advocate for the political ideas or candidates they like, and attack the political ideas and candidates they dislike. It does hurt their credibilit­y. And that is a dangerous matter for a country that relies on its press to keep those in power honest.”

“Look, I understand that there is a huge divide in our country between those who think government can offer the best solutions to our challenges and those who think less government, with more individual freedoms, is the way to go. I’m just a regular guy trying to do my small part in our representa­tive republic. My role is to discuss these issues in my own community, vote my conscience, and do what I can to get our policies right.”

“What do you suggest we do to address the fear of communicat­ing freely and openly?”

“I’m not sure what others can or should do, but I figure I can try harder to work out my difference­s with others. I’ll do my best to listen to, and understand, their point of view. Maybe if millions of Americans were to do that, our country would do what we’ve done successful­ly many times over the past 240 years: create solutions that solve our problems!”

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