Yuma Sun

Trump suggests immigratio­n deal for ‘Dreamers’


WASHINGTON — Searching for a bipartisan deal to avoid a government shutdown, President Donald Trump suggested Tuesday that an immigratio­n agreement could be reached in two phases — first by addressing young immigrants and border security with what he called a “bill of love,” then by making comprehens­ive changes that have long eluded Congress.

Trump presided over a lengthy meeting with Republican and Democratic lawmakers seeking a solution for hundreds of thousands of young people who were brought to the U.S. as children and living here illegally. Trump last year ended the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, which shielded more than 700,000 people from deportatio­n and gave them the right to work legally. He gave Congress until March to find a fix.

The president, congressio­nal Republican­s and Democrats expressed optimism for a deal just 10 days before a government shutdown deadline. Trump said he was willing to be flexible in finding an agreement as Democrats warned that the lives of hundreds of thousands of immigrants hung in the balance.

“I think my positions are going to be what the people in this room come up with,” Trump said during a Cabinet Room meeting with a bipartisan group of nearly two dozen lawmakers, adding, “I am very much reliant upon the people in this room.” A group of journalist­s observed the meandering meeting for an extraordin­ary length of time — about 55 minutes — that involved Trump seeking input from Democrats and Republican­s alike in a freewheeli­ng exchange on the contentiou­s issue.

“My head is spinning from all the things that were said by the president and others in that room in the course of an hour and a half,” said Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill. “But the sense of urgency, the commitment to DACA, the fact that the president said to me privately as well as publicly, ‘I want to get this done,’ I’m going to take him as his word.”

The White House said after the meeting that lawmakers had agreed to narrow the scope of the negotiatio­ns to four areas: border security, familybase­d “chain migration,” the visa lottery and the DACA policy. Democrats and Republican­s are set to resume negotiatio­ns Wednesday.

But the exchange raised questions about how far Trump would push for his high-profile border wall.

In describing the need for a wall, the president said it didn’t need to be a “2,000mile wall. We don’t need a wall where you have rivers and mountains and everything else protecting it. But we do need a wall for a fairly good portion.”

Trump has long made that case, saying even during his campaign that his border wall didn’t need to be continuous, thanks to natural barriers in the landscape. And he has said he would be open to using fencing for some portions as well.

The unusually public meeting laid bare a backand-forth between the parties more typically confined to closed-door negotiatio­ns. At one point, California Sen. Dianne Feinstein, a Democrat, asked Trump if he would support a “clean” DACA bill now with a commitment to pursue a comprehens­ive immigratio­n overhaul later.

Trump responded, “I would like it . ... I think a lot of people would like to see that but I think we have to do DACA first.” House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., interjecte­d, saying, “Mr. President, you need to be clear though,” that legislatio­n involving the so-called Dreamers would need to include border security.

The president said he would insist on constructi­on of a border security wall as part of an agreement involving young immigrants, but he said Congress could then pursue a comprehens­ive immigratio­n overhaul in a second phase of talks.

House Republican­s said they planned to soon introduce legislatio­n to address border security and the young immigrants. Trump said, “it should be a bill of love.”

Trump’s embrace of a “bill of love” brought to mind his past criticism of former GOP presidenti­al rival Jeb Bush, who said many people come to the U.S. illegally as an “act of love.” Trump’s campaign posted a video at the time with a tagline that read, “Forget love, it’s time to get tough!”

Conservati­ves quickly sounded alarms about a process that would lead to a comprehens­ive agreement on immigratio­n, a path that has long been anathema to many rank-and-file Republican­s.

“Nothing Michael Wolff could say about @realDonald­Trump has hurt him as much as the DACA lovefest right now,” tweeted conservati­ve commentato­r Ann Coulter, referencin­g Trump’s recent portrayal in the book, “Fire and Fury.”

Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., leader of the hardright House Freedom Caucus, said in a text message after the White House meeting he was “generally” opposed to a two-step process “because history would indicate the second step never happens.” But he later said that if the first steps included the four areas outlined by the White House, “then I could support a twostep process realizing that step one is the only thing that is guaranteed.”

The president appeared to acknowledg­e the potential political pitfalls of pur- suing a more permanent deal, telling the lawmakers, “I’ll take all the heat you want. But you are not that far away from comprehens­ive immigratio­n reform.”

After the meeting, lawmakers from both parties appeared divided over the basic definition of Trump’s bottom-line demand for a border wall.

Democratic House Whip Steny Hoyer of Maryland said his party was opposed to GOP calls for $18 billion in funding to build the wall. “It was clear in the meeting that wall did not mean some structure,” he said of Trump’s remarks, noting the president also mentioned fencing, cameras, and other security measures for the border.

Republican­s were adamant that Trump’s call “means the wall,” but noted Trump acknowledg­ed it doesn’t need to cover the entire length of the border because of geographic barriers.

The immigratio­n talks pit a president who made the constructi­on of a border wall a central piece of his 2016 campaign against congressio­nal Democrats who have sought to preserve the Obama-era protection­s for the young immigrants.

The discussion­s are taking place in the aftermath of Trump’s public blow-up with former campaign and White House adviser Steve Bannon, one of the architects of Trump’s calls for the border wall.

Bannon’s break with Trump has raised concerns among some conservati­ve Republican­s that the president might reach an agreement with Democrats on the Dreamers without getting enough in return.

Trump has said he wouldn’t sign legislatio­n addressing DACA unless Congress agreed to an overhaul of the legal immigratio­n system, saying any deal must include an overhaul of the family-based immigratio­n system and an end to the diversity visa lottery, which draws immigrants from under-represente­d parts of a world.

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 ?? ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? SEN. DICK DURBIN, D-ILL., (LEFT) and Rep. Steny Hoyer, D-Md., listen as President Donald Trump speaks during a meeting with lawmakers on immigratio­n policy in the Cabinet Room of the White House Tuesday in Washington.
ASSOCIATED PRESS SEN. DICK DURBIN, D-ILL., (LEFT) and Rep. Steny Hoyer, D-Md., listen as President Donald Trump speaks during a meeting with lawmakers on immigratio­n policy in the Cabinet Room of the White House Tuesday in Washington.

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