Yuma Sun

Time to bring back God into lives


In response to John Hoffman’s letter on March 3. You said “Bravo” to Dick’s Sporting Goods CEO for raising the age to buy a gun to age 21. Do you also think the age should be raised to 21 to obtain a drivers license, after all, vehicles kill every day. How about raising age to 21 to join military? Military issues guns.

There’s so much hypocrisy in today’s society. I’m so sick of all this “Do as I say, not as I do” and don’t ask any questions. This is America, land of the free, home of the brave. It is not a dictatorsh­ip and our past and present military have not and will not stop fighting for our freedom.

What has happened to family values, respect? I come from a military family, my dad 39 years in Air Force, brother same, brother-in-law retired Col. AF, nephew serving second term in Afghanista­n as I write this as a paratroope­r with Special Forces. We were brought up to respect and obey our parents, respect our elders, police, church, teachers, authority and the law.

This new generation seems to have this entitlemen­t mentality that they deserve what we have worked all our lives for. “Snowflakes” were a good descriptio­n given to them. I’m not saying all of them, as there are many who are afraid to speak up. Afraid they’ll be ostracized for having a difference of opinion unlike their left counter-parts. Very sad.

I’m a proud NRA member. Guns are not the problem, guns don’t kill, people do. People with mental issues, criminals, progressiv­e leftists who don’t recognize our constituti­on and the Second Amendment. Parents have got to be more involved in their children’s lives, find out what they are thinking, who their friends are, talk to each other. Put the cellphones down, turn off the play stations. Do something as a family. It’s also not the teacher’s responsibi­lity to raise your children.

We need God back into our lives. Respect our flag and love America. God Bless America.



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