Yuma Sun

Star Signs


(March 21-April 19) Tension builds slowly, as you seem to be handling more and more responsibi­lity in your life. Ask for what you need and want. You could be surprised by what others offer. Communicat­ion marks the afternoon. Greet the first day of spring with a celebratio­n.

(April 20-May 20) You instinctiv­ely know that you want to be in the background of certain events that are unfolding. Pitch in when needed, but drop your ego and need for praise. You might hear a comment that you judge as hurtful; refuse to let it bother you. Put your best foot forward.

(May 21-June 20) You are able to deal with multiple situations at once. Others feel as though they can share their feelings with you, even if you often make light of your own. You might discover that a close friend experience­s feelings similar to yours on certain topics. You might have a case of the blues.

(June 21-July 22) Carry on as much as you’d like, but know that, ultimately, the responsibi­lity for what goes down will be yours, and no one else’s. Tame your normal moodiness. Make wise choices for you and for those you care about. Consider yourself fortunate. Do not hesitate to go for what you want.

(July 23-Aug. 22) You might be amazed by what others are saying and doing right now. It could feel as if someone has uncorked a bottle of hidden personalit­y and characteri­stics. Throw yourself into the moment, at least intellectu­ally. Flow with the ups and downs.

(Aug. 23-Sept. 22) You might want to push away an emotional current by becoming extremely critical. Do you really believe that will work? The experience of being involved in these intense moments could play into your life over and over again. Try not to make any major life decisions.

(Sept. 23-Oct. 22) You might consider screening your calls for now. You’ll want to investigat­e a certain situation thoroughly before choosing to get involved. Throw yourself into the whirlwind of activity going on around you. Listen to your inner voice. Others make the first move.

(Oct. 23-Nov. 21) You are a realist — at least, most of the time. You’ll take a hard look at someone else’s resistance. As you try to grasp what is going on with this person, consider your thoughts and how you might be judging him or her. Opt for a sensitive talk. Use the next few days for enjoying those in your life.

(Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Walk out the door and step into your next adventure. If you’re joined by a child, head to an amusement park. If you’re with a friend, you could decide to take off on a day trip together. Conversati­ons become more vibrant as a result. Work demands your attention.

(Dec. 22-Jan. 19) You might feel a bit out of sorts when you wake up. Remember, even you need a break from time to time. Choose to be a couch potato. Read the newspaper, or watch a favorite movie. Play and interact with others on your own terms. Your ingenuity saves the day not once, but several times.

(Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Make time for yourself early on. You could be overwhelme­d by all the invitation­s you receive and all the heartfelt chats happening around you. You will want to avoid a conflict at all costs, so be clear and responsive. Take a break from all of the outside demands.

(Feb. 19-March 2o) Don’t let your finances ruin what could be a fun day. You can have a great time with loved ones without overspendi­ng. Test out this concept and see how many new experience­s come up. Handle an important issue accordingl­y. You will find the right words before Thursday.

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