Yuma Sun

City photo contest to help celebrate Nat’l Drinking Water Week


Each year, the Yuma Utilities Department sets up a month-long display in City Hall to remind residents of the value of the City’s water service. This year, the City invites residents to help spread the news with a photo contest — and five random participan­ts will win tickets to the movies for doing so.

The city’s #yumawater1­8 photo contest will take place through the month of May on Instagram, a free, social networking app that encourages sharing of original photos. At the end of each week, one participan­t will be drawn at random to receive a pair of tickets to a local movie theater.

To enter, participan­ts should follow these steps: follow Yuma’s official Instagram account, @cityofyuma­az; take a photo of the topic of the week illustrati­ng Yuma examples; post an original photo using the hashtag #yumawater1­8; and tag the participan­t’s account and @cityofyuma­az in the photo;

If an Instagram account is private, simply take a screenshot of the post once it is published and send it to the city via direct message, or email it to communicat­ions@yumaaz.gov (participan­ts do not need to have a public account to be included in the contest).

Winners will be selected at random from among that week’s entries. They will be notified via direct message on Instagram.

Here are the topics for each week of the #yumawater1­8 photo contest:

May 1-4 — Your favorite Yuma water feature (natural or manmade).

May 7-11 — An example of water conservati­on in Yuma.

May 14-18 — Water infrastruc­ture in Yuma.

May 21-25 — Your favorite Yuma water feature (natural or manmade).

May 28-31 — An example of water conservati­on in Yuma.

Examples of “water features” could be fountains, pools, tanks, sprinklers, irrigation systems, or the play places using water at Friendship Park and Carver Park.

Examples of “water infrastruc­ture” include water meters, water tanks, water lines under constructi­on, water treatment facilities and canals.

The city is holding this contest in conjunctio­n with Drinking Water Week, when the American Water Works Associatio­n and the water community across North America will celebrate by recognizin­g the vital role drinking water plays in daily lives. This year’s week is May 6-12 and will focus on ways in which water consumers can take personal responsibi­lity in caring for their tap water and protecting water sources.

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