Yuma Sun

Nation Glance


Michigan State University agrees to pay $500M to settle Nassar claims

LANSING, Mich. — Michigan State University agreed to pay $500 million to settle claims from more than 300 women and girls who said they were assaulted by sports doctor Larry Nassar in the worst sexabuse case in sports history, officials announced Wednesday.

The deal surpasses the $100 million-plus paid by Penn State University to settle claims by at least 35 people who accused assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky of sexual abuse, though the Nassar agreement involves far more victims.

Michigan State was accused of ignoring or dismissing complaints about Nassar, some as far back as the 1990s. The school had insisted that no one covered up assaults, although Nassar’s boss was later charged with failing to properly supervise him and committing his own sexual misconduct.

“We are truly sorry to all the survivors and their families for what they have been through, and we admire the courage it has taken to tell their stories,” said Brian Breslin, chairman of Michigan State’s governing board. “We recognize the need for change on our campus and in our community around sexual assault awareness and prevention.”

Quakes damage roads as ash spews from Hawaii volcano

HONOLULU — Earthquake­s were damaging roads and buildings on Hawaii’s Big Island on Wednesday as ash emissions streamed from Kilauea volcano.

The strongest shaking was recorded around 8:30 a.m., measured as a 4.4-magnitude earthquake. The floor of the summit crater has also dropped about three feet (90 centimeter­s), as the threat of a strong, explosive eruption at the top of the volcano loomed. The ground was deflating as the crater’s lava levels fell, causing stress faults around the crater to move, resulting in the earthquake­s. More were expected.

Ash spewed from the summit at Hawaii’s Kilauea volcano, though emissions decreased from Tuesday.

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