Yuma Sun

Sports thoughts


As the temperatur­es rise around Yuma, the amount of sports we watch on T.V. also rises. Why not – 108 degrees in the shade or the NBA finals, the Stanley Cup, the Belmont Stakes, the U.S. Open and the World Cup?

One thing for sure, teams need to be equally matched or we might find more enjoyment under the misters of the porch. After watching most of the NBA finals, I came up with the following observatio­ns. A lot of people lost a lot of money when one team sweeps the other in four games. Imagine the millions of dollars advertiser­s lost by not having a series go six or seven games.

Even the announcers knew the outcome early in the fourth game; maybe they were trying to distract the audience from switching to “The Bacheloret­te.” But for the basketball purists, a couple of things were entertaini­ng. Find me a better shooter than Steph Curry and I’ll take you out for a free lunch. To be honest he hit shots with regularity that the average player only tries after practice and hope he or she hits one out of 10.

Find me a person that is 7 feet tall and can run, jump or shoot better than Kevin Durant and you get a free dinner. No wonder they gave him $160 million and a quote from the Warriors’ general manager, “He can have anything he wants.” I can’t leave out LeBron James, “the beast from the East.” A specimen with extraordin­ary talent that is almost impossible to stop.

I used to be an avid hockey fan, knew every lineup from every team.

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