Yuma Sun

Tips to make Halloween all treats, no tricks

Kids, be safe, watch for traffic and follow protocol tonight


Calling all ghouls and goblins! It’s time to get your trick-or-treat game on!

But kids, before you go, can we talk just for a minute about common sense and safety?

We know you are ready to put those costumes on and hit the streets. Frankly, we look forward to seeing you out there.

That’s right — we want to see you, each and every one of you. So please, have something on you that makes you bright and visible. Flashlight­s, glow sticks, reflective clothing or bands of reflective tape on your pants … yes. Yes to all of it. Yes to whatever makes you most visible to all the cars on the street tonight.

Speaking of traffic — watch for vehicles, take your time crossing the street, and don’t dart into traffic. We want everyone to come home safely.

Also, while you are out there, moving from house to house, remember the etiquette that comes with trick-or-treating.

• Only knock on doors that have the porch light on. No porch light? Then move on — that house isn’t planning to give out any treats.

• Ring the doorbell or knock once. Just once. If no one answers, move along to the next house.

• Remember to say please and thank you. Adults really like that – and when all the kids are polite and friendly, it encourages adults to participat­e again next year.

• Wait your turn. Don’t push your way to the front of the line.

• Stay on sidewalks — don’t run through lawns. Be respectful of other people’s property.

• Wrap it up at a decent hour, like 9 p.m. Remember, tomorrow is a school day, and even though you might want to stay up all night scoring more treats, the trick comes in the morning when you are too tired to focus at school. • And please, have a great time! On behalf of the Yuma Sun, we wish you a safe, fun, happy Halloween, Yuma!


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