Yuma Sun

Poll: Govt. shutdown is an embarrassm­ent for the United States

If politician­s are listening, it’s time to take action


If you think the current government shutdown is embarrassi­ng, you aren’t alone.

According to a recent poll by NPR/Ipsos, three-quarters of Americans say the shutdown is “embarrassi­ng for the country,” NPR reports — and that response encompasse­s both sides of the political spectrum.

The poll asked whether respondent­s agreed with the statement, “The government shutdown is embarrassi­ng for the country.” Fifty-eight percent of Republican­s agreed with that statement, as did 77 percent of independen­ts and 87 percent of Democrats.

When presented with “The government shutdown is going to hurt our country,” 51 percent of Republican­s agreed with the statement, as did 71 percent of independen­ts and 91 percent of



The majority of respondent­s also agreed with the statement, “Congress should pass a bill to reopen the government now while budget talks continue,” with 56 percent of Republican­s, 72 percent of independen­ts and 86 percent of Democrats supporting the statement.

A poll isn’t necessaril­y a 100 percent perfect process, but it does have advantages. A look at a random selection of opinions generally reflects the nation’s mood or outlook on a bigger scale.

And given the fact that this shutdown has dragged on for weeks, it would not be surprising to find that Americans are over it.

Politician­s aren’t always responsive to their constituen­ts, and too often, money and power are the name of the game, not the good of the people as a whole.

However, Americans firmly support this country, through thick and thin. This country is built on democracy, and it relies on a functionin­g federal system.

Shutting down the federal government hurts Americans — not the politician­s. And look at the message that action sends to the rest of the world. If we can’t handle our business here, what’s the impact on our influence and power elsewhere?

Is this shutdown embarrassi­ng? You’d better believe it. Americans are sending a message to their elected officials. Yet it doesn’t appear our politician­s are listening. That’s a message voters need to remember when the next election season rolls around.

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