Yuma Sun

Whitaker hearing was biased grilling


I can’t even guess what each individual got or took from acting AG Whitakers’ horrendous biased grilling from the House Judiciary Committee hearing. To me it is just another attempt to skin, gut, and cook the President of the United States over an open fire pit. When does this mindless rhetoric ever end? Surely if you are paying attention to all this Russian nonsense you’ve got to scratch your head and wonder, what the heck is going on in our America?

This “get them all, let God sort them out” mentality has got to be embarrassi­ng to someone, somewhere in the dungeon of Congress. You know who’s watching this the closest? Vladimir. With a Cheshire Cat smile. With popcorn. Why wouldn’t he?

I can hear him now, “You Americans are so smart!” To me the hearing was mean spirited, biased, and I’ll say it, a witch hunt.

I have to say, a darn good circus. Both Abraham Lincoln and Mark Twain are credited with saying, “better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” The Democratic side of the committee jumped from one subject to another with no semblance of order or common sense and with obvious anger in every breath. Take him to the lions.

Why all this hatred? One Congresswo­man told Whitaker that they “weren’t joking here.” At one point, later on, Whitaker stated he felt honored and enjoyed being selected as acting AG. And snarkily stated “was enjoying” the hearing. Which eventually appeared to turn out to be an all Democratic roasting. Where was this investigat­ive committee three years ago? Wait, look, is it a bird?

Is it a plane? No it’s William Barr. Maybe there is hope. FRED RICHARD Wellton

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