Yuma Sun

Star Signs


(March 21-April 19) The Full Moon could set feelings afire. You might instinctiv­ely hold back rather than share. You could feel more together than you have as of late; however, confusion marks interactio­ns at present. Eye the big picture Monday. Then you will know what to do.

(April 20-May 20) Deal with a person directly. You know what you want and where you are heading. Just the same, a discussion with a friend might have you questionin­g which way you want to go. Another person’s gesture is heartfelt. Respond accordingl­y.

(May 21-June 20) Defer to another person who seems to have stronger feelings than you about a personal matter or key relationsh­ip. You could change your mind and surprise yourself later. Others cannot stay away from you. Enjoy.

(June 21-July 22) You could get a lot accomplish­ed if you so choose. What is happening around you could cause a change of tune. Be more forthright in how you deal with a child or loved one. This person might be overly emotional, but he or she will calm down. Pace yourself. Expect to do some networking

(July 23-Aug. 22) Be more playful and upbeat. You could be tired from pushing as hard as you have. On top of your fatigue, an innate misunderst­anding could come forward. The unexpected occurs when dealing with finances. You have difficulty settling in. Mid-week you finally land.

(Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Stay centered and deal with a domestic or personal matter. Excitement surrounds an idea of yours. Do not hedge. Put this new idea through before someone changes their mind. Getting going could be difficult, but you will. You will even make up for lost time. (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Speak your mind loud and clear. You might not be able to contain another person or keep this person from expressing his or her feelings. You easily could over-dote on someone, causing yourself a problem. Ask questions Monday. Use the informatio­n you gain during the week.

(Oct. 23-Nov. 21) You could have a problem, as you might have a tendency to go to excess. A misunderst­anding could be the trigger to your emotional display. The unexpected impacts a partner or close loved one. Others make quite an impression on you. Make it a point to let them know.

(Nov. 22-Dec. 21) You smile with ease and feel more in control than you have for a while. You could be sitting on a minor earthquake. Deal directly with a conclusion, especially around making plans and/or feelings. You roll into Monday, ready for nearly anything. Calm down some in order to make the most of the next few days.

(Dec. 22-Jan. 19) You might feel compromise­d by a friend. As a result, you could decide to keep to yourself and think through the situation. Do not hesitate to ask for advice or get feedback. Reach out for a like spirit. You could be delighted by the interactio­n.

(Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Your friendly ways draw several people toward you. You could be extremely busy keeping up with different sets of friends. Remember that you are just one person! You have the ability to get into the trenches, make new friends and accomplish a lot.

(Feb. 19-March 20) Pressure builds. You might resent being a role model or taking the lead. You will do whatever you want to do and nothing more. If you would like to take some time off to spend with an older friend or relative, by all means do. Defer to a loved one or partner. This person will appreciate the focus being on him or her.

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