Yuma Sun

Nominees sought for Tribute of Muses and Helios awards


Nomination­s are now open and forms are available for the 2019 Tribute of the Muses and Helios awards, the city’s top arts awards in the region for art, art education, art advocacy, or arts philanthro­py.

Presented by the City of Yuma’s Division of Arts and Culture, the Tribute of the Muses and Helios awards acknowledg­e the exemplary contributi­ons of individual­s and organizati­ons to the arts in the Yuma community.

Nomination­s can be made online or by downloadin­g a PDF file found at www.YumaArtCen­ter.com. Completed nomination forms — incomplete applicatio­ns will not be considered — will be accepted at the Yuma Art Center, 254 S. Main St., through 5 p.m. Sept. 6. Printed copies are available at the Art Center as well.

The individual or couple honored by Tribute of the Muses reflects devotion and excellence in the arts. Nominees may reflect acknowledg­ed excellence in a chosen arts field, arts advocacy, arts philanthro­py and/or arts education. Candidates for nomination may be full- or part-time artists, art teachers, leaders, supporters or volunteers in the arts community. They should have a recognized track record of at least five years in Yuma as a champion of the arts through creative contributi­on, gifts of time and support.

“These distinguis­hed awards are presented for the city to celebrate and revere individual­s in our community who are really making a difference in the creative sector,” said Lindsay Benacka, the city’s arts and culture program manager. “The arts are truly alive and active right now in Yuma. It is important that we take an evening each year to honor those who are making our community a better, more vibrant place to live.”

Previous winners have been chosen from a broad spectrum of the arts including dance, music, art education and the visual arts. While nomination­s are generated from members of the public, the selection of the Muse and Helios winners is made by the Yuma Parks, Arts and Recreation Commission.

The name Tribute of the Muses originates from Greek mythology, where the nine daughters of Zeus called Muses were considered the inspiratio­n for the arts and sciences. Each Muse possessed a distinct gift among the discipline­s of poetry, art, dance and music.

The Helios Award is presented by the city to an individual who is a recognized up-and-coming voice within the Yuma arts community. Students and new residents to the area are encouraged to be nominated. Whether an artist, advocate or supporter of the arts, nominees can represent the visual arts, music, dance, theatre, and/or arts philanthro­py.

Both winners will be named during the Tribute of the Muses ceremony, Oct. 11 at the Yuma Art Center and Historic Yuma Theatre. The ceremony will be followed by an after-party and celebratio­n in the Yuma Art Center galleries.

Online nomination­s for Tribute of the Muses can be found here: https://artsyumaaz­gov.typeform.com/to/nYvyx8

Online nomination­s for the Helios Award can be found here: Form: https://artsyumaaz­gov.typeform.com/to/dIofQs.

All nominees will be contacted to confirm their willingnes­s to be recognized for their contributi­ons.

City of Yuma Parks and Recreation employees are not eligible to be nominated.

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