Yuma Sun

Beto O’Rourke announces he’s dropping 2020 presidenti­al bid


WASHINGTON — Beto O’Rourke, the former Texas congressma­n, announced Friday that he was ending his Democratic presidenti­al campaign, which failed to recapture the enthusiasm, interest and fundraisin­g prowess of his 2018 Senate race.

Addressing supporters in Iowa, O’Rourke said that while his campaign was ending, he planned to stay active in the fight to defeat President Donald Trump. “I will be part of this and so will you,” he said.

O’Rourke was urged to run for president by many Democrats, including supporters of former President Barack Obama, who were energized by his narrow Senate loss last year in Texas, a reliably Republican state. He raised a record $80 million from donors across the country, visited every county in Texas and used social media and livestream­ing video to engage directly with voters. He ultimately lost to incumbent Republican Sen. Ted Cruz by 3 percentage points.

But O’Rourke, 47, struggled to replicate that model in the presidenti­al primary, and both his polling and his fundraisin­g dwindled significan­tly in recent months.

“Though it is difficult to accept, it is clear to me now that this campaign does not have the means to move forward successful­ly,” he wrote in a Medium post formally announcing the end of his campaign. “Acknowledg­ing this now is in the best interests of those in the campaign; it is in the best interests of this party as we seek to unify around a nominee; and it is in the best interests of the country.”

O’Rourke’s decision comes as the Democratic primary enters a critical stretch. With three months until the kickoff Iowa caucuses, polls consistent­ly show a trio of candidates leading the way: former Vice President Joe Biden, Massachuse­tts Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, with Pete Buttigieg, the mayor of South Bend, Indiana, showing strength in Iowa, as well. Lower polling candidates face difficult questions about whether they have the money to sustain a campaign through the first primary contests.

Earlier this week, Kamala Harris, another candidate who entered the race to much fanfare, announced she was downscalin­g her campaign, laying off some staffers and reorientin­g almost exclusivel­y to focus on Iowa.

O’Rourke entered the race as the feel-good, dynamic candidate who had the ability to appeal to both Republican­s and Democrats and work across the aisle in Washington. He met with

But he immediatel­y faced criticism that he had a sense of entitlemen­t, particular­ly after the release of a Vanity Fair interview on the eve of his campaign launch in which he appeared to say he was “born” to be in presidenti­al politics.

After quickly pulling in $9.4 million during his first two weeks in the race, O’Rourke’s financial situation deteriorat­ed. By the end of June, he was spending more than his campaign was taking in. By the end of September, he had just $3.2 million cash on hand while spending double that over the previous three months, campaign finance records show.

Perhaps more significan­tly, the small-dollar contributi­ons that fueled his Senate bid and the early days of his presidenti­al campaign slowed to a $1.9 million trickle.

The former congressma­n also struggled to articulate a consistent vision and messaging as a presidenti­al candidate.

He spent several weeks trying to build his campaign around climate change, calling global warming the greatest existentia­l threat the country had ever faced. But as the excitement over his candidacy began to fade, O’Rourke was forced to stage a “reintroduc­tion” of his campaign to reinvigora­te it. After a gunman opened fire at a Walmart in his hometown of El Paso, killing 22 people, O’Rourke more heavily embraced gun control, saying he would take assault weapons away from existing owners.

As O’Rourke’s standing in the presidenti­al primary plummeted, some Democrats urged him to return to Texas for another Senate run. He has repeatedly denied having any interest in that race.

 ?? ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? IN THIS OCT. 17 PHOTO, DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTI­AL CANDIDATE former Texas Rep. Beto O’Rourke speaks during a campaign rally in Grand Prairie, Texas. O’Rourke has announced he’s dropping his 2020 presidenti­al bid.
ASSOCIATED PRESS IN THIS OCT. 17 PHOTO, DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTI­AL CANDIDATE former Texas Rep. Beto O’Rourke speaks during a campaign rally in Grand Prairie, Texas. O’Rourke has announced he’s dropping his 2020 presidenti­al bid.

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