Yuma Sun

France says it will retaliate if US doubles Champagne, cheese tariffs


PARIS — France is bristling at a U.S. threat to slap 100% tariffs on French cheeses, Champagne and other products, with the French leader telling President Donald Trump on Tuesday that the move would amount to an attack on all of Europe.

The U.S. Trade Representa­tive proposed the tariffs on $2.4 billion in goods Monday in retaliatio­n for a French tax on global tech giants including Google, Amazon and Facebook.

France’s reaction was swift and robust, with President Emmanuel Macron and his finance minister both warning of a European riposte if the U.S. measure is implemente­d.

“We’ll see where the discussion­s lead in the coming weeks, but it will involve a European response,” Macron said in a meeting with Trump on the sidelines of a NATO summit in London. “Because, in effect, it wouldn’t be France that is being sanctioned or attacked but Europe.”

Macron said it’s “not fair” that digital revenues are taxed less than real-life revenues. He said France shouldn’t be singled out for wanting to correct that imbalance with a tax on tech firms.

“My first question is what will happen with the United Kingdom, which adopted the same tax? For Italy, the same tax? Austria, Spain ...,” Macron asked. “If we’re serious, those countries will have to be treated the same way.”

The U.S. move is likely to increase trade tensions between the U.S. and Europe. Trump said the European Union should “shape up, otherwise things are going to get very tough.”

“I’m not in love with those (tech) companies, but they’re our companies,” Trump said ahead of his meeting with Macron.

French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire said the U.S. tariff threat is “simply unacceptab­le . ... It’s not the behavior we expect from the United States toward one of its main allies.”

The French tech tax, he said, is aimed at “establishi­ng tax justice.” France wants digital companies to pay their fair share of taxes in countries where they make money instead of using tax havens, and is pushing for an internatio­nal agreement on the issue.

The problem is pronounced in Europe, where a foreign company can pay most of its taxes in the one EU country where it has its regional base - often a small country like Luxembourg or Ireland that tries to attract multinatio­nals with very low corporate taxes.

Le Maire noted that France will reimburse the tax if the U.S. agrees to the internatio­nal tax plan.

French wine and cheese producers expressed dismay about being caught in the middle of the battle over digital revenues. Cheese producers warned the U.S. measure would hit small businesses hardest.

An industry associatio­n for pungent Roquefort cheese, among the targeted products, said the 100% tariffs could wipe out the U.S. market - 300 tons a year - for the blue-veined cheese.

“We’re lucky to have a product known around the world but the reverse side of that is that every time there’s a trade dispute, Roquefort is systematic­ally targeted,” said Jerome Faramond, the associatio­n president.

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