Yuma Sun

UK employers fear worker shortages under upcoming new immigratio­n plan


LONDON — Vegetables rotting in the fields, food going unprocesse­d, the elderly and disabled left without care.

That’s the alarming picture painted by some British employers about the impact of new U.K. immigratio­n rules set to be introduced in less than a year.

Farms, food factories and care homes said Wednesday that they will face severe labor shortages under the government’s plans to open Britain to skilled and educated immigrants while shutting out those its deems “low-skilled” workers.

The message from Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s Conservati­ve government was blunt: “Employers will need to adjust.”

“We need to shift the focus of our economy away from a reliance on cheap labor from Europe and instead concentrat­e on investment in technology and automation,” the government said in a paper laying out its immigratio­n plans.


Britain’s exit from the European Union last month after 47 years of membership is triggering the biggest change to the country’s immigratio­n rules for decades.

When Britain was part of the EU, citizens of the bloc’s 27 other countries were free to live and work in the U.K. and vice versa.EU workers came to Britain by the hundreds of thousands.

More than 3 million EU citizens currently live in the U.K. They are all entitled to stay. But once a post-Brexit transition period runs out on Dec. 31, that free movement will end and the new U.K. immigratio­n rules will apply to EU and non-EU citizens alike.

Britain’s 2016 decision to leave the EU was driven in part by a belief that largescale immigratio­n had pushed down wages and increased joblessnes­s among British-born workers.


Starting next year, most people hoping to move long-term to Britain will need to speak English to a “required level” —the level of fluency is not specified —and have the offer of a job paying at least 25,600 pounds ($33,000) a year. Prospectiv­e immigrants who earn less may still be able to come if they have other skills or work in an area where there are shortages, such as health care.


The British immigratio­n proposals mean a radical — and unwelcome — change for sectors of the U.K. economy that rely heavily on EU workers.

Many migrants from eastern Europe have jobs picking Britain’s fruit and vegetables and working in food-processing factories.

More than 100,000 EU citizenswo­rk in caring for Britain’s elderly, disabled or chronicall­y ill — just under 1 in 10 of the total workforce in a sector that already has many unfilled positions.

Christina McAnea, assistant general secretary of the Unison trade union, said the new immigratio­n rules “spell absolute disaster for the care sector.”

Businesses that employ bakers, butchers and baristas are also worried. Mark Harrison, policy manager at the Food and Drink Federation, urged the Conservati­ve government to open up an immigratio­n route for entry-level workers.

“The food and drink industry is reliant on workers at all skill levels,” he said. “We have concerns about access to those potential employees who won’t qualify through these ‘skilled’ routes, such as bakery assistants, meat processors, and workers essential to the production of huge array of basic foodstuffs such as cheese, pasta and sausages.”

The government appears unmoved by their concerns.

“It is about time businesses started to invest in people in this country,” Home Secretary Priti Patel said Wednesday.

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