Yuma Sun

Start the day off with a dad joke or two

Those laughs with fathers are the ones kids will remember

- Roxanne Molenar Editor’s Notebook

One of the best lessons in life that I learned from my dad was the importance of a sense of humor.

And to this day, one of my favorite sounds is the sound of my dad laughing. It’s positively infectious, and you never know what, exactly, might set it off.

Last year, in honor of Father’s Day and my Dad, I gathered a bunch of “dad jokes” off the internet to share with readers.

And readers shared with me how fun it was to share those jokes with their kids and their dads.

This year, it occurs to me that laughter is needed more than ever … even if it’s just a few dad joke chuckles (or groans!).

So I scoured the internet and found some new dad jokes. Many of these came from Reddit, as well as a handful of Google searches. Readers, I hope you enjoy these gems!


What did the right eye say to the left one?

Between you and me, something smells.

Why weren’t the cows in the field?

They Moooooved.

What’s the leading cause of dry skin?


What kind of noise does a witch’s vehicle make?

Brrrroooom, brrroooom!

Why did the robot go to the shoe shop?

To get rebooted

Why was the broom late for work?

He overswept

Why do bees have sticky hair?

Because they use a honeycomb.

What’s a scientist’s favorite dog?

The Lab.

What falls in winter but never gets hurt?


What do you call two birds in love?


What do you call bears with no ears?


What kind of tree fits in your hand?

A palm tree!

To all those dads out there who rock the dad jokes, your kids might groan. But know in their hearts, they absolutely love it. Those are the moments they will remember for life. So please dads, keep being amazing, and keep your kids laughing.

Happy Father’s Day!

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