Yuma Sun

Making monsters is scary fun!


If your family eats eggs, chances are, you’ve got an empty egg cartoon or two floating around the house.

And if those egg cartons happen to be made of cardboard, there are a wide variety of crafts and art projects you can do with them that are sure to entertain your kids for a bit.

We did a search online, and found ideas ranging from ladybugs and caterpilla­rs to bees, dinosaurs and jellyfish.

On the surface, this looked pretty easy.

Cutting the egg carton apart was challengin­g. In fact, we would recommend doing that part ahead of time to protect any little fingers. We eventually set the scissors aside and just gently tore the egg holders apart. Then, we used the scissors to make the teeth and horns with scrap pieces.

We also cut down the egg holders to give them an even shape prior to painting.

Once we started painting, we found the cartons absorb a lot of paint, so several coats were required to give the monsters even coloring.

If animals aren’t your cup of tea, there were also fun steps for mushrooms, fire trucks, helicopter­s and more.

For this issue of Raising Yuma, we decided to try making cute little monsters. The posts we saw online suggested using them to hold treats, like little candies. However, we found our helper kids had no interest in the treats – but really just wanted to play with the monsters.

Your call – but either way, it’s a fun little project!

If we were to do this craft again, we might first apply a white base coat, to help the brighter paint colors really pop.

It was fun to pick the colors for the monsters, however.

And there is no limit to what you can do with these when it comes to paint and color schemes.

We found multicolor­ed googly eyes, which was a fun addition. And afterward, we thought adding some limbs made of pipe cleaners would have been a nice touch.

The best part, however, was the curiosity these containers sparked when left on the kitchen counter. A young neighbor was quite intrigued by them, and wound up taking them home with her!

Overall, we’d call this project a fun success!

And readers, if you try it, let us know. Send in your monster photos to news@yumasun.com!

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