Yuma Sun

America as we know it is in trouble


No one in my estimation should be asking the question, “Why are we seeing so many killings today, especially among young people.” One would have to be a complete idiot to not know the reason.

What more can we expect, I say, when for the past 20 years, parents have purchased these videogames for their kids which show nothing but violence which has been drilled into their heads? While Hollywood and the makers of these games depicting violence take no responsibi­lity, neither do most parents.

All I’ve heard from parents when the subject was brought up was, “Our kids know the difference and they can handle it.”

What few will admit, however, is that the results are in and America as we once knew it is in big trouble.

Like the radicals who appear to be taking over and are out to destroy everything we as Americans once stood for, they are most likely laughing and telling themselves, “The government nor its people are not going to stop us, being that they claim that we all have our rights, and that we must learn to love one another.”

Most Americans if they have half a brain are now living in fear as a result of what we’ve allowed to occur, which only indicates as to what America’s future looks like.

When I think of what happened to some of our past presidents including John F. Kennedy and Lincoln, don’t think for a moment that the liberal radicals aren’t thinking along the same lines in order for them to regain the power they once held.

When I think of the word “hate,” we don’t have to go any further than our U.S. Senate and Congress which are filled with those of the same mindset who are gung ho in eliminatin­g what most claim they stand for.


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