Yuma Sun

Want change? Be an active citizen


It’s easy to sit on the sidelines criticizin­g the people we elect to carry out the job of governing: things we take for granted such as our police, our firemen and the nurses and doctors who work in public health (as opposed to those medical persons in for profit medical environmen­ts). Are we watching? We take for granted that our water will be clean, our trash will be picked up. We take for granted that when we are ill we will get the care we need, and our children will get an education by dedicated public servants, our teachers, in the schools we don’t want to put a penny of sales tax to support. If we feel the money is not well spent, well then, who did you vote for when the school board election was held? We get the government we deserve.

You have two jobs, you don’t have time to follow these issues deeply, then I suggest you buy the local paper and read it, complain to it and run for office yourself. Continuati­on of our rights and freedoms depends on us as citizens who take governing seriously and not just as consumers of political fads, Elmer Gantry types and those for who public service is just a way to enrich themselves and their friends.

Our governor, Gov. Doug Ducey, has had to make decisions that benefit all Arizonans. Put yourself in the position of a leader of several thousand people all with urgent needs and depending on you to decide among their conflictin­g requests and demands and you have to make a decision. You hope that the people you serve will know that the decision you make was in the best interest of the whole group. I think he has done a good job in a difficult time which has been like herding cats: cats terrified by thunder and lightning and driving rains!

Think about your budget each month and put in $25 and choose someone who was elected that you supported and continue to send that candidate money each month as if it were a utility bill. It’s your vote for democracy and active citizenshi­p. If your candidate lost, even more reason to support him or her; if we keep our freedom, success may come in the next election!

Be an active citizen!


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