Yuma Sun

Hennig joins District One governing board

She is a pharmacist and advocate for the developmen­tally disabled


A local pharmacist and advocate for some of Yuma’s most vulnerable citizens via governing board membership with the Saguaro Foundation, Adele Hennig brings her perspectiv­e to the Yuma School District One governing board, where she will serve the stakeholde­rs of the 18-school district for a two-year term.

Recently appointed to fill the seat vacated by former board member Cory Mayrant earlier this year, Hennig was one of four candidates to submit a letter of interest to the Yuma County School Superinten­dent’s Office detailing their qualificat­ions and desire to serve the district in such a capacity.

“She had some really, really good experience working on boards in the community – real terrific service in the community,” said Yuma County Superinten­dent Tom Tyree. “It made us feel very comfortabl­e that she would understand the dynamics of working with the governing board. I really believe that serving on a school district governing board is one of the highest levels of service that anyone could provide for our community.”

A mother of four adult children, Hennig’s relationsh­ip with the district began decades ago as her children attended District One schools. With the passing of time and their gradual advancemen­ts in education and in life, the relationsh­ip remained viable through Hennig’s continued volunteeri­sm at Ron Watson Middle School where her daughter is a band teacher.

“I had four kids go through District One and they all turned out excellent, so I felt very comfortabl­e applying to the position,” Hennig said. “My kids are grown, but I still have an interest in the schools. I’ve always had an interest in the students of Yuma and where they’re going.”

Nominated for the Heart of Yuma Outstandin­g Volunteer award in 2017, Hennig has been involved with Odyssey of the Mind on the district level for a number of years and currently sits on the state board for the program.

“I’m a big proponent of the Century 21 (grants), which help sponsor Odyssey of the Mind in Yuma,” she said. “I’ve been doing it forever, it seems.”

As the vice president of the Saguaro Foundation governing board, Hennig serves local individual­s with developmen­tal disabiliti­es, which she believes will make an additional contributi­on to the board’s support of special education programs within the district.

In addition to her array of volunteer work, Hennig works as a full-time pharmacist with Genoa Healthcare, a small chain of pharmacies located within community clinics, often those that provide mental health services and resources.

Though she has no overt background in education, Hennig said she looks forward to serving the district with her “unique” skills and vantage point, beginning when she is officially sworn in during the board’s Jan. 11 meeting.

“A different set of eyes looking at a situation can sometimes bring about some needed change or awareness,” she said. “I’m looking forward to getting started and being part of that whole picture.”

A key focal point as Hennig settles into the new role is easing the district back into an in-person learning environmen­t when it’s safe to do so.

“I hope to get those kids back in the classroom with the teachers safely and effectivel­y – that’s got to be our first assignment (in the new year),” she said. “I think a lot of kids are falling behind because of COVID. My daughter is a band teacher, so you can imagine how hard it is to teach band online. I know the teachers are frustrated, the kids are probably frustrated as well and my main focus is getting them back on track.”

As a school board member, Hennig said she also hopes to make strides in areas like funding and enrollment.

“I’d like to see increased funding for the district and our schools – I think we’re one of the lowest in the state for funding,” she said. “And I’d like to see our enrollment go up with more kids choosing District One for their education. I would like to make that appealing to the parents so they’re not going to look anywhere else by having a message that resonates with the families, that makes them feel that the schools are safe and they’re going to get a good education – that’s the bottom line. Once we do that, the rest will follow.”

 ?? LOANED PHOTO ?? LOCAL PHARMACIST AND 2017 HEART OF YUMA Outstandin­g Volunteer nominee Adele Hennig was recently appointed to fill a vacant seat on the Yuma School District One governing board. Appointed by Yuma County School Superinten­dent Tom Tyree, Hennig will serve a two-year term.
LOANED PHOTO LOCAL PHARMACIST AND 2017 HEART OF YUMA Outstandin­g Volunteer nominee Adele Hennig was recently appointed to fill a vacant seat on the Yuma School District One governing board. Appointed by Yuma County School Superinten­dent Tom Tyree, Hennig will serve a two-year term.

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