Yuma Sun

An ode to cleaning up the roadways


As I head towards Yuma on Highway 8

I cannot believe what I see

Like plastic bags and hamburger wrappers

Car parts and all sorts of debris. But is Yuma exempt from these toxic waste dumps?

I say no being we’re not alone. It’s just the way our world is today

To avoid it one must stay home. I feel for those who clean up this trash

A battle that’s so hard to win. I swear late at night drivers empty their cars

So where does a person begin? Know it’s not just Yuma, it’s the same everywhere

Where our roadways resemble Beirut

Being so many today seem to no longer care

What I’m saying is the absolute truth.

When it comes to littering our roadways

Many drivers are just plain slobs Who take little pride in how our country looks

Whom are nothing less than plain hogs.

In a day or two they’re thinking those men in orange suits

Will be out here picking things up

So why worry about tossing things out our window

When its you clean freaks whom are nuts.

Today on my trip which I made into town

Blown semi tires caught my eye There were car grills and hubcaps and boxes of lettuce

I noticed in my passing by. I counted four plastic buckets and a new Werner ladder

Which costs $60 and up

One obviously which wasn’t tied down all that well

To its owner a kick in the butt. Let’s face it as we’ve a real problem

One few people give much thought to

They’re too busy enjoying their late model car perks

In my mentioning this they ask what else is new?


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