Yuma Sun


- BY ARGUS HAMILTON argus Hamilton is the host comedian at The Comedy Store in Hollywood and a speaker. His email address is argus@argushamil­ton.com.

• The Centers for Disease Control welcomed the president’s plan to have 200 million vials of vaccine produced by this summer. It now appears that Biden has figured out a way to cut the number of COVID deaths in half. He’s going to have Gov. Cuomo do the counting.

• The White House issued an executive order directing Homeland Security to make preparatio­ns to unite the migrant kids held at the border with their families if they come and claim them. All those kids are being cared for at the border for a good reason. They are America’s Strategic Soccer Reserve.

• Amazon founder Jeff Bezos announced that he will step down as the company’s chief executive officer. Twenty-six years ago, Bezos founded Amazon in his garage as an online book seller. He will be leaving with an excellent package, slightly damaged and delivered three doors down.

• The Weather Channel showed a huge snowstorm struck the Eastern Seaboard on Monday. By midnight, New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvan­ia reported receiving 12 to 18 inches of snow. However these are Democratic states so by the next morning the numbers were 24 inches to 36 inches.

• Senate Democrats will try Donald Trump 19 days after he left the White House on Monday. It’ll cost him a lot of money. It’s patently unconstitu­tional for the Senate to try a private citizen, but after what Trump’s followers did to Washington, D.C.. there’s NO way he’s going to get his deposit back.

• House Impeachmen­t manager Congressma­n Raskin wrote a letter to Donald Trump asking him to testify in the upcoming trial in the Senate. Hopefully, the invitation stirs up a little bit of Broadway in Trump. There is nothing like the star of the original agreeing to perform in the revival.

• Hunter Biden got a two million dollar advance for his upcoming memoir. A publisher giving a newly sober cokehead two million in cash is like the voters giving Schumer and Pelosi a majority, a Democratic president and the COVID Relief Bill. You can only feel so good before your heart explodes.

• Senate Democrats voted to take the two trillion dollar COVID relief Bill to reconcilia­tion amid GOP charges that it’s socialism. Personally I hate socialism. All I want from the COVID Relief Bill is enough money to indefinite­ly support my upscale lifestyle and frontier sense of rugged individual­ism.

• The Washington Redskins hired two African Americans as team executives as well as a black woman as assistant running backs coach. The NFL is now a league that looks like America. In President Biden’s honor, an elderly white man will be allowed to quarterbac­k in the Super Bowl today.

• L.A. Sheriff’s Deputies arrested seven teenagers Friday for changing the Hollywood sign to read Holly-Boob. It was ever thus. I don’t want to say that Hollywood has always been obsessed with the shape of women’s breasts, but it’s no accident the Golden Globes are followed by the SAG Awards.

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