Yuma Sun

‘Grant A Gown’

FB campaign provides graduation regalia to seniors in need


While counted among the most celebrated chapters of a young person’s life, senior year can also be one of the most costly. Between their regalia, senior photos, prom and other activities, class rings and college applicatio­ns, upcoming graduates can expect to shell out at least $5,000 during their senior year, according to ABC Action News.

Here in Yuma, a fundraisin­g campaign called “Grant A Gown” aims to support students who are unable to purchase their own caps and gowns by covering those costs for them.

Launched this month by Kofa High School junior and student body president Isaac Navarrete, the campaign lives on Facebook at www.facebook.com/grantagown­yuma, where the Class of 2021 can submit an assistance request and community members can contribute to the cause – which has garnered $1,500 in just over a week.

“Every year, there are a number of students who have to borrow their graduation regalia,” Navarrete said. “That ruins the mood for some students, because they may want it for dinner and pictures afterward but they have to return it, sometimes immediatel­y. We wanted to give students the opportunit­y to have their own (to keep) after the ceremony.”

While the project received administra­tors’ stamp of approval on both the Kofa High School and Yuma Union High School District levels, Navarrete is running it independen­tly. By not being connected to a specific campus or district, he’s affirming that Grant A Gown was created for all Yuma County high school seniors in need of a cap and gown.

“Senior year does get expensive for students; those costs add up,” he said. “Especially right now during the pandemic and our economic crisis, it might not be a good time for families to purchase a cap and gown, which is why I created this program – to alleviate the burden of students with financial needs during the most celebrated time of their life.”

Cash, checks and mobile donations via Venmo (@ grantagown­yuma) are all viable ways to contribute to the cause. Checks should be made to “Grant A Gown Project.” For cash donations, contact at 928-2710116 or grantagown­yuma@gmail.com to get them into the right hands by a soft late April-early May deadline.

The campaign has received a handful of assistance requests already, but has the means to outfit many more, according to Navarrete, as $100 secures three cap-and-gown sets.

“Anything helps, really, even the smallest amount,” Navarrete said. “I follow the line: ‘It feels good to do good.’ I’m just wanting to help out others and spread positivity during these troubling times. I see success in helping others be successful.”

To submit a regalia assistance request, seniors can visit the Facebook page or www.tinyurl.com/grantagown.

“If you take that first step in reaching out to us, we are so glad to help out,” said Navarrete. “There’s nothing to be ashamed of; we’re just here to help and give back.”

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