Yuma Sun



yuma has its first frost in december. during a light frost, cold-tender plants may be killed if not protected by covering them with a sheet.

• Trees and shrubs: Plant bare-root fruit trees requiring 250-400 chill hours to set fruit. Increase days between watering establishe­d trees and shrubs. do not prune cold-tender trees or shrubs.

Plant trees and shrubs.

• Roses: begin choosing roses to plant in January. #1 grade bare-root roses are recommende­d.

climbers, floribunda­s, grandiflor­as, hybrid teas, and miniatures all grow well in yuma. Wait until establishe­d roses are dormant in January to prune. If leaves show powdery mildew, spray both sides, december– march, with Neem oil or use a systemic pesticide.

• Vegetables: continue to plant cool-season vegetables from seeds or transplant­s (asparagus, beet, artichoke, salad greens, tomatoes, bok choy, broccoli, cabbage, carrot, cauliflowe­r, peas, radish, spinach and turnip). Start seeds of warm-season vegetables indoors or in a greenhouse: tomatoes, squash, peppers.

• Herbs: Plant dill, fennel, cilantro, lemon balm, mint, parsley and chives.

• Bulbs: this is the last month to plant spring-flowering bulbs that do not require chilling (amaryllis, anemone, bearded iris, crinum, paper whites, dutch iris, sparaxis, ranunculus and gladiolus).

• Annuals: Plant annuals (african daisy, calendula, geranium, candytuft, Iceland poppy, larkspur, pansy, petunia, snapdragon, hollyhock, stock, baby’s breath, bells of Ireland, clarkia, sweet alyssum, lobelia, dianthus and primrose).

• Perennials:

Plant ruellia, desert milkweed, dusty miller, gaillardia, globe mallow, Grapes: Plant bare-root thompson seedless grape stock in a sunny location. Prepare a hole 1 ½ ft. deep and wide. Place grape stock in the hole, leaving 2 inches of stem above ground. Fill in with soil, water well. build a strong support for the vines to grow on. do not prune establishe­d grape vines this month.

• Groundcove­rs: Plant trailing gazania, ice plant, trailing dalea, or creeping-oxeye.

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