Yuma Sun

Ideas on water conservati­on needed for climate change


In reference to your March 31, 2022, Editorial, “No end In sight for bad climate news”

Is Earth’s climate changing? Yes. It has been changing ever since it was created some 4.5 billion years ago and it has been changing ever since.

There have been at least 13 mass extinction­s on earth over that time. The last one was about 65 million years ago, when the dinosaurs died out. People have lived on earth only about 6 million years.

So “is the climate changing?” The answer is yes, of course. And we are in a drought and have been for a long time. But what have we done about it? Not much in my opinion.

We have conserved water, which is good, but not enough. Governor Ducey wants to create desalinati­on plants in Mexico for us to use the ocean for our water here in Arizona. I think that’s a great idea and am all for it.

Also, I think that the seven states that use water from the Colorado River should get together (instead of fighting over water) and build desalinati­on plants in the Pacific Ocean to pump water into places like Lake Mead to replace the water we have used and bring the levels up. Is that expensive? Yes. But what will it cost when we no longer have water to keep our dam generators working, water to drink or grow crops? If we do not act we will be turning off our air conditione­rs and possibly our lights.

Our ancestors had to adjust to the climate they lived in and we will have do the same and not expect the climate to revert to like it used to be, because it won’t.



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