Yuma Sun

Don’t forget about pets this Fourth of July

Be considerat­e of neighbors and their furry housemates during festivitie­s


The Fourth of July holiday is upon us, but if past years are any indication, people in Yuma County usually start the fireworks fun days ahead of time – and they keep going well into the night.

We understand the urge to have some holiday fun, and few things say “Fourth of July” more clearly than fireworks.

But fireworks are loud, which in turn can scare pets, who don’t have any idea what fireworks are or why humans get so excited.

The Humane Society of Yuma offered some tips to help keep your pets safe this weekend:

• Wear your pet out during the day so it is more likely to sleep in the evening when the fireworks are flying.

• Keep your pets inside and create a safe space for them to hide, such as a blanket over the table or in their crate.

• Keep your pets busy, such as with a new toy to distract them.

• Turn on the radio or TV, which will both muffle the sound of the fireworks and also distract your pets with constant noise.

• Close the curtains and/or blinds to protect them from the bright flashes of light.

• Spend time with your pets, reassure them, and avoid behavior that might make them more anxious.

• Make sure your house and yard are secure, and all gates are locked.

• Make sure your pet’s microchips and vaccinatio­n tags are up to date.

But, readers, we would take the request one step further, and ask people to please be considerat­e of your neighbors and their pets, and keep your fireworks to decent hours. If it’s after midnight, it’s too late to be firing off yet another loud booming firework device.

And FYI, should your pet get out during the holiday weekend, please note that the Humane Society of Yuma will be offering free returns to owners for any pets found between July 1-5, as long as those animals are reclaimed before July 7.

It’s always fun to celebrate the Fourth of July, and fireworks are entwined with the holiday. But please – be safe, be considerat­e, and don’t forget about your furry family members!

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