Yuma Sun

Registerin­g to vote is simple, easy process

If you aren’t registered, don’t miss tonight’s deadline


Readers, one of our most cherished rights in America is the right to vote, to have input on the leaders of our community at every level: local, state and federal.

But before you can cast a vote, you have to register – and today is the deadline to vote in the Aug. 2 primary.

Some people shrug at the primary, but it’s of critical importance.

For your specific political party, voters choose the candidates who will appear in the General Election in November.

And for races like the Yuma City Council, it’s possible to elect a candidate right after the primary. According to the city charter, City Council candidates who receive more than 50 percent of the vote during the primary election are elected to their seat. Candidates for remaining open seats would then advance to the Nov. 8 general election, at a rate of two candidates per open seat, according to a press release from the City of Yuma.

Voting matters in every election. And registerin­g to vote is easy. Visit www.ServiceAri­zona.com, where you can also update your address and change your party affiliatio­n.

If you want to figure out what races will be on the ballot for the primary, visit my.arizona.vote. There, you can check on your voter ID number, party and county, as well as your voter status and voter status reason. You can also double-check your residentia­l and mailing addresses. Here, you can also activate early voting, see a sample ballot for the next election and check on your voting locations, as well as find the contact informatio­n for the Yuma County Recorder’s Office and the Yuma Elections office.

When it comes to politics and impacting change, the power is in your hands, demonstrat­ed every time you fill out your ballot. Don’t miss this opportunit­y.

You have until 11:59 p.m. tonight to register – and it’s easy to do.

Visit ServiceAri­zona.com, and get it done.

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