Yuma Sun

Dems keep Senate majority as GOP push falters in Nev.


WASHINGTON – Democrats kept control of the Senate on Saturday, repelling Republican efforts to retake the chamber and making it harder for them to thwart President Joe Biden’s agenda. The fate of the House was still uncertain as the GOP struggled to pull together a slim majority there.

Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto’s victory in Nevada gave Democrats the 50 seats they needed to keep the Senate. Her win reflects the surprising strength of Democrats across the U.S. this election year. Seeking reelection in an economical­ly challenged state that has some of the highest gas prices in the nation, Cortez Masto was considered the Senate’s most vulnerable member, adding to the frustratio­n of Republican­s who were confident she could be defeated.

“We got a lot done and we’ll do a lot more for the American people,” Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said Saturday night. “The American people rejected – soundly rejected – the anti-democratic, authoritar­ian, nasty and divisive direction the MAGA Republican­s wanted to take our country.”

With the results in Nevada now decided, Georgia is the only state where both parties are still competing for a Senate seat. Democratic incumbent Sen. Raphael Warnock faces GOP challenger Herschel Walker in a Dec. 6 runoff. Alaska’s Senate race has advanced to ranked choice voting, though the seat will stay in Republican hands.

Democratic control of the Senate ensures a smoother process for Biden’s Cabinet appointmen­ts and judicial picks, including those for potential Supreme Court openings. The party will also keep control over committees and have the power to conduct investigat­ions or oversight of the Biden administra­tion, and will be able to reject legislatio­n sent over by the House if the GOP wins that chamber.

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