Yuma Sun

Good news on science front worth noting

Stories are unfortunat­ely often overshadow­ed by ‘bad’ headlines


It feels like it’s been awhile since we’ve taken a look at exciting news that has a positive impact on all of us. Too often, the “bad” headlines get the top billing, but when we really look at the world around us, there’s often more out there to celebrate than we may realize.

Take a look at these recent science and health headlines:

A new study found that eating strawberri­es may have heart health benefits. According to a study by the Global Burden of Disease, eating a cup of strawberri­es a day can improve heart health, UPI reports. We already know strawberri­es are delicious. Now, researcher­s note they may also help lower cholestero­l, blood sugar and inflammati­on. Other studies found they may help protect against certain cancers and could offer some benefits for people with high blood pressure, UPI reports.

Speaking of delicious foods, a new study found that eggs may also be good for heart health. Fox News recently reported on a study in the journal Nutrients, which found that eating one to three eggs a week could reduce the risk of cardiovasc­ular disease by up to 60%. Those who consumed four to seven eggs cut their risk of heart disease by 75%.

Fox interviewe­d a cardiology dietitian who noted eggs are a “rich source of vitamin B2, vitamin B12 and selenium, which are cardioprot­ective.”

For fans of eggs, that’s great news. Experts note that moderation is key – too many eggs can be unhealthy, too. But having a guilt-free egg is a great way to start the day.

And check out this bit of good news on the environmen­t. Earth’s protective ozone layer is “slowly but noticeably healing at a pace that would fully mend the hole over Antarctica in about 43 years,” according to a new report by the United Nations.

According to the Associated Press, the healing is happening more than 35 years after every nation in the world agreed to stop producing chemicals that were damaging the ozone layer. It’s a slow progress, but one that’s critically important, because the ozone layer protects the planet from “harmful radiation linked to skin cancer, cataracts and crop damage,” AP notes.

We’ve heard about the ozone layer’s decay for decades, and scientists have pushed for action to reverse that process. It’s great to finally hear some forward progress on this issue.

Oftentimes, the negative news steals the spotlight. But as these stories show, there’s good news to report out there too!


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