Yuma Sun

Thumbs up, down from the Yuma Sun


• Thumbs up to San Luis Port of Entry Director John Schwamm, who is retiring this year after serving in San Luis since 1999, when he came here as a deputy director. He’s been a pivotal part of taking the port of entry to the next level, and we appreciate his service. Happy retirement!

• Thumbs up to the federal government, which recently announced a $25 million allocation to expand Cesar Chavez Boulevard in San Luis. The roadwork is very much needed, and we’re glad to see the government stepping forward with funding to help.

• Thumbs up to the Somerton Tamale Festival. This is hands down one of the best events in Yuma County – always a delicious time, and this year once again did not disappoint. Thanks to the El Diablito Club for making this event happen each year.

• Thumbs up to Eagle Scout Vaughn Grosse, who was recently honored with the Boy Scouts of America National Heroism Award for his efforts in April to help the victim of a car crash. Vaughn graduated from Kofa High in May, and now, he’s taking classes to become a firefighte­r – where frankly, he’s going to be a tremendous asset. Congrats, Vaughn!

• Thumbs down to grouchy Grinches out and about right now. Christmas is coming, and we know it’s stressful. But barking at others while out and about in the world does no good – it just spreads grouchines­s to others. Remember that phrase, “If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all?” Ahemnow’s the time to follow it.

• A big thumbs down to people who take photos of bad parking jobs and post them on social media. We’ve seen this in Yuma, and really, what’s the point? Yes, the person parked poorly, but what’s the benefit of shaming them on social media? We need a little more kindness and grace in this world, readers – there’s no reason to bully others online.

Thumbs Up and Thumbs Down are compiled by the Yuma Sun editorial board, based on recent events, happenings and activities around Yuma County and the nation, and will appear on Fridays in the Yuma Sun.

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