Yuma Sun

Black voters aren’t buying Trump’s racial pandering


Being the ever-menacing carnival barker that he is, former president Donald Trump said the four criminal cases he faces have garnered him significan­t support from Black voters. Why? He claims due to the historic injustices Black Americans have endured at the hands of the criminal justice system, they can identify with his legal dilemma.

“I think that’s why the Black people are so much on my side now because they see what’s happening to me happens to them. Does that make sense?” Trump said at the Black Conservati­ve Federation Gala in Columbia, South Carolina.

During his speech, he further commented that Black voters had warmed to him “because they have been hurt so badly and discrimina­ted against, and they actually viewed me as being discrimina­ted against. It’s been pretty amazing.”

Continuing his barrage of dishonest and racially-offensive rhetoric, he stated, “The lights are so bright in my eyes that I can’t see too many people out there.” To laughter from the audience, Trump continued, “But I can only see the Black ones. I can’t see any white ones. You see?”

“That’s how far I’ve come,” he added as the crowd cheered. “That’s how far I’ve come. That’s a long–that’s a long way, isn’t it?”

Trump and a few members of his immediate family have been accused of racially inflammato­ry remarks and behavior. The Justice Department sued him in 1977 for discrimina­ting against potential Black tenants. He was taken to task for stoking racial tension when he purchased newspaper ads in the New York Times in the late 1980s urging the state to adopt the death penalty after the rape of a jogger in Central Park, a crime wrongly blamed on five Black and Latino teenagers. It is also important to note he has never apologized to these young men who lost more than a decade of their lives to such a gross injustice of the criminal justice system.

By the way, let’s not forget how he arrogantly and shamelessl­y engineered racial animus toward President Barack Obama by becoming an ardent proponent of the so-called birther movement, which falsely promoted the lie Obama was not a legitimate American citizen. Later, at a press conference at the grand opening of one his hotels, Trump was forced to acknowledg­e to the many journalist­s in attendance that “Barack Obama was born in the United States.”

To be honest, much of the mainstream media deserved to be sucker punched for disingenuo­usly embracing such nonsense.

Trump continues to revert to and engage in xenophobic foolishnes­s toward people of color by continuing to aggressive­ly pronounce Obama’s middle name, “Hussein,”

and refer to Nikki Haley as Nimrata Randhawa when he mentions both individual­s on the campaign trail. And he has continued to question whether political opponents are eligible to hold office, in particular former governor and ambassador Haley.

Donald Trump appeals to the most vile and base instincts of his supporters, who often embrace offensive stereotype­s that have been traditiona­lly ascribed to Black Americans. It’s not an accident – Trump is very astute to the fact that such scurrilous and intellectu­ally dishonest rhetoric appeals to his far right MAGA supporters, which is considerab­ly, if not predominan­tly, White Supremacis­t in their value system.

During his speech last week, Trump was surrounded by a few prominent Black leaders, including former Housing and Urban Developmen­t secretary Ben Carson and Republican Florida Rep. Byron Donalds. He was also lauded by South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott, the only Black Republican currently serving in the U.S. Senate. Thus, the specter and spirit of intellectu­al dishonesty was rampant.

Thankfully, Black voters don’t appear to be swayed by the nonsensica­l rhetoric and pandering coming from Trump, a rabid race-baiter cynically trying to garner votes. Painting all Black people as criminals certainly didn’t help, especially has Trump himself faces four criminal indictment­s and the specter of prison.

Copyright 2024 Elwood Watson, distribute­d by Cagle Cartoons newspaper syndicate. Elwood Watson is a professor of history, Black studies, and gender and sexuality studies at East Tennessee State University. He is also an author and public speaker.

 ?? ROBERT F. BUKATY/AP ?? REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTI­AL CANDIDATE former President Donald Trump speaks at a campaign rally on Aug. 8, 2023, in Windham, N.H.
ROBERT F. BUKATY/AP REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTI­AL CANDIDATE former President Donald Trump speaks at a campaign rally on Aug. 8, 2023, in Windham, N.H.

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