Yuma Sun

Federalism has been turned on its head


“Counties aren’t responsibl­e for migrant costs,” read a recent Yuma Sun editorial.

Not to wax semantical, however, the issue is not one of “migrants,” but rather open and blatant “illegal immigratio­n” being forcefully thrust upon the states by an out of control federal government.

As to the costs, there is no enumerated or general authority in the Constituti­on to pay out of the public treasury (national, state, county or municipal) one plugged nickel toward this administra­tion’s intentiona­l invasion by third world hordes streaming across our border. The only enumerated federal government authority one will find is the authorizat­ion, “to establish a uniform rule of naturaliza­tion,” for those entrants that one of the several states may admit within its jurisdicti­on. (The Federalist #42)

Indeed, it would seem that federalism has been turned on its head.

For all of the Globalist lefties out there that seem to believe the primary purpose of the United States is to house, feed and generally sustain all of those third world hordes, I’m guessing Madison’s notion of the most desirable class of immigrant will most assuredly bruise your specious sensibilit­ies – “Should the proposed Constituti­on have the intended effect of giving stability and reputation to our government, great numbers of respectabl­e Europeans: men who love liberty and wish to partake its blessings, will be ready to transfer their fortunes hither.” (James Madison, Constituti­onal Convention, Thursday, August 9, 1787)

Ol’james is rolling over in his grave!


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