Yuma Sun

YRMC receives 2023 Impact Award for outstandin­g blood drive coordinati­on


Vitalant, Arizona’s largest nonprofit community blood provider, honored 77 blood drive coordinato­rs across the state at their February 23 Valentines for Life awards event.

Among those honored were two Yuman blood drive organizers: Theresa Sartz of St. John Neumann Catholic Church and Elizabeth Hammonds of the Yuma Regional Medical Center (YRMC).

According to Vitalant, award recipients “provided the largest impact on the blood supply by going above and beyond with outstandin­g blood drive planning, as well as recruiting donors on difficult days or during times of the year when the need was most critical.”

“As proud as I am, I’m proud of the donors and their giving heart and the knowledge that they’re saving somebody’s life with their donations,” Hammonds said. “This award is really a way to celebrate their efforts.”

Hammonds, Director of Volunteer Services at YRMC, became a Vitalant Site Coordinato­r eight years ago, when she remembers there only being four yearly YRMC blood drives. In 2023, YRMC hosted 24 blood drives.

Throughout Arizona, 1,357 organizati­ons hosted 3,572 blood drives in 2023, accumulati­ng 199,267 donations across the state.

YRMC’S blood drives are mostly led by a three-person team that receives phone calls, makes appointmen­ts and sets up the events. A volunteer named Anne Gutridge works the events, checking people in and coordinati­ng donors through the whole process.

Hammonds credits her team for their success in coordinati­ng each blood drive and reaching out to the community to generate more donors.

“Part of the planning is scheduling rooms at the hospital that are easily accessible to the general public and to our staff,” Hammonds said. “We schedule everything accordingl­y with Vitalant, and then we start recruiting. We are very fortunate to have many repeat donors – donors that come back throughout the year. In the last year, we had over 500 donors and 31 new donors, so our goal is to now increase new donors. Even if they donate one time a year, it makes a difference.”

People can donate once every 56 days, allowing donors to give blood about once every other month if they wanted to.

Hammonds estimates each blood donation can save up to three lives. “I just want people to know that it is a very easy procedure and it’s something that you can do to truly make a difference in somebody’s life.”

Hammonds shared a personal story from her time at Saturday’s Relay for Life to shine a light on why she does what she does:

“I was at the Relay for Life this Saturday, and I was talking to a survivor there, she had been in treatment, and her dad is currently in treatment. She was sharing with me of the many times that they’ve both needed blood transfusio­ns. Part of me secretly smiled thinking about how many people donate blood to help other people without even knowing… who they are. It was just something that hits your heart. They just donate to help others without knowing anybody’s story, and yet the recipient of the blood donation is thanking me without knowing who [their donor is] either.”

Vitalant’s March blood drive in Yuma took place from March 19 to March 25. YRMC’S drives have concluded, drawing 32 donations one day and 36 another.

YRMC’S next blood drive will be April 16 and 17.

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