Yuma Sun

Message for my digital goddaughte­r

- BY TOM PURCELL Copyright 2024 Tom purcell, distribute­d exclusivel­y by Cagle Cartoons newspaper syndicate. purcell, creator of the infotainme­nt site Thurbersta­il.com, which features pet advice he’s learning from his beloved labrador, Thurber, is a pittsbur

My 13-year-old goddaughte­r still can’t understand how telephone busy signals used to work. She can’t help it. At 13, she’s a member of the Gen Alpha generation, kids born between 2010 and 2024, which is the first generation to NOT know what life was like before social media and artificial intelligen­ce were everywhere.

I tried to explain that before call waiting was commonplac­e in the mid-1980s, a caller would get a busy signal if a phone line was being used.

When I was in high school, I told her, we only had one telephone line. My father, a Bell Telephone man, installed five heavy-duty phones in our house, but all of them were connected to a single landline.

When someone called us, the ringing brass bells created such a hullabaloo, it sounded like someone was breaking into the Fort Knox Bullion Depository.

But the bells didn’t ring often, because, between my mother and five sisters, somebody was always tying up the line.

When I needed a ride home after football practice, I placed a dime into the pay phone, turned the rotary dial with my finger and was then greeted by an annoyingly loud buzzer that suggested: Loser! Try again!

This silly story illustrate­s the stark contrast between the innocent childhood I experience­d as a tail-end Baby Boomer and the all-digitized childhood she is experienci­ng as a Gen Alpha.

Modern childhood is fraught with digital landmines.

According to The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, children between 8 and 12 spend 4 to 6 hours a day using digital devices, such as smartphone­s, while teens spend up to 9 hours.

AACAP says unmonitore­d children are likely to be exposed and influenced by risk-taking behaviors, sexual content, substance use, negative stereotype­s, misinforma­tion and advertisin­g aimed at motivating a child to buy or act.

It’s no wonder, according to AACAP, that children exposed to too much screen time suffer things like sleep problems, lower self-esteem, too little face-to-face social interactio­n with family and friends and less time outdoors enjoying physical activity.

Research psychologi­st Dr. Jean Twenge says that a surge in Gen Z mental health issues is the direct result of the rise of smartphone­s and social media, which began in earnest in 2012.

“Happiness started to decline, life satisfacti­on declined, expectatio­ns went down,” Dr. Twenge told the New York Post. “Depression went up, and this pessimism really took root among young people.”

She says the hyper-connectivi­ty of social media proved to be an unmitigate­d experiment for Gen

Z – and also an unmitigate­d disaster for nurturing our most anxious and unhappy generation yet.

Twenge and others argue that all parents need to unite and make sure their kids are not exposed to social media too early.

Parents also need better tools to monitor and regulate their kids’ social media usage and she says the government must play a bigger role, giving them more robust tools to monitor and restrict the content children are able to access.

The debate around regulating social media and, now, AI, is going to be robust, as it should be – especially since we already know that unfettered social media has damaged one generation.

I called my goddaughte­r to warn her about the perils of social media, but she never answers.

Apparently, talking on the phone is something only a “pre-millennial” dork would attempt to do.

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